Saturday, May 26, 2012

Time to watch

I am thinking that the time to have a Doctor Who watching weekend is long overdue.
What do you say Michael?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tattoos and Time Lords

(I know I said that I was going to blog about watching Dragonfire today, but I ended up working and didn't have time to watch it, I will do so later in the week)

The other day I got a text from Michael that read-
"Would you get the new seal of the Time Lords tattoo'd on ya?"
I replied that I might
I asked if he would and he said the that he had a plan in mind
a plan for him to be tattooed with it, not for me getting one.

I figured that this was a good time to bring up tattoos as they had been mentioned previously in the blog.

Both Michael and I have the same tattoo.
We both have the Seal of Rassilon tattooed on us, on different parts of our bodies and of course, we did this independently of each other, but we have the same tatt none-the-less
Mine is on my left arm

(not the best picture, but hey, I am not a photographer, I was attempting to get this shot with my crappy camera phone all by myself)

I had been wanting to get a tattoo that was in some way Doctor Who related, but was not sure exactly what it was that I wanted. I didn't want it to be anything super obvious like a Dalek or the TARDIS. A while before I had completed reading a two part Doctor Who book called Interference. The first volume of the story had a picture of the Seal of Rassilon on it front and center. I decided that was the image that I wanted.

I brought the book with me to the tattoo joint for a reference and whamo- I got the image that I wanted.

Slight background on the Seal, the image was first used in the 4th Doctor story "Revenge of the Cybermen" and was seen in the council room on the asteroid Voga.  This first appearance actually didn't have anything to do with the Time Lords or with Gallifrey, I guess the design department of the show must have liked the way it looked and decided to reuse it. After this, the image was usually seen any time that the Doctor went back to his home planet of Gallifrey. It could be seen on many things there from art, to wall engravings, signs and on clothing
When I first met Michael, we both quickly discovered through conversation that we both had the same tattoo. It was a cool geeky bonding moment that just shows that our friendship is about shared interests.

The tattoo became something that I could use in conversation, if I was talking to someone about Doctor Who and the conversation became involved, I could pull up my sleeve and show that hey, yeah, I am a geek and really like the show.  It also would sometimes be a conversation starter. I can say that it started a conversation that ultimately became pretty important in my life.

I was camping in Pennsylvania with my roommate Mikey(who has been mentioned here before, way back in the beginning) and I was in the pool, a guy looked at my tattoo and asked me what it was.
It had been a few years that I had this inked on me, so I was prepared for this conversation. I replied-
 " would you like the real answer or the easy answer?"
he replied that he wanted the real answer. I advised him it was the Seal of Rassilon. He replied back to me quickly that he knew that was what it was, he just wanted to make sure. He then asked me what the easy answer was. I was used to people asking who had no idea what Doctor Who was, and had learned that it was easier to say that it was a sort of celtic inspired design. No harm no foul, and it was easy to say.

This conversation that was started out over a tattoo lasted the whole weekend, it continued for two years as a long distance dating and continues today as an almost 8 year long which 2 1/2 of those years have been married years.

See, you never know who and what Doctor Who will bring to you in life.
First I got a best friend out of it, then a husband.

Would I get a tattoo of the "new Current " show Gallifreyan script? sure, why not. The new show has really taken the images and language of the Time Lords and advanced it for more onscreen time and it looks pretty neat. Where would I get it out on me? no clue as of yet? It won't be for a while though as I currently have a back piece( non Doctor Who related) that needs to be completed.

I look forward to hearing what Michael has planned for his...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

like a PBS pledge drive interrupting the show...but no money is being asked for...

Just a quick interruption of regular blogging...If you happen to visit our page, feel free to "follow" us, it makes us feel special...And check out our first Poll on the sidebar and voice your opinion.

Good Bye Melanie Jane Bush Hello Ace(or Dorothy McShane)

Tonight I bought the Sylvester McCoy story Dragonfire. This is the last Mel episode and the first appearance of Ace, the last companion of the "Classic" series. I am planning on watching this on Monday on my day off and then blogging some thoughts on it. -Bill

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Speaking of yard work...

It's been a bit too long since my last post, just lost track of time and space apparently.

I had intended on doing some yard work today but it rained all last night and most of the day today.  Working outside with plants made me remember that I got this new toy in the mail the other day.
 Tom Baker's 4th Doctor and the Krynoid, complete with closed pod and opened flowering pod come in this Seeds Of Doom set. It's pretty cool. Cue up spooky organ music and envision a raging winter snowstorm because the march of the killer plants is about to being.