Sunday, March 24, 2013

55. Terror of the Autons

After seven seasons, the Doctor's Sherlock finally get a Moriarty. Enter: The Master!

Season Eight is the Master season, which the Doctor's new arch nemesis appearing in every story and creating chaos for UNIT. We are also introduced to Captain Mike Yates, as the UNIT family solidifies with the Brigadier, Benton and Yates.

The other major introduction is Jo Grant as played by Katy Manning. After the off-screen departure of Liz Shaw, the Doctor gets new companion Jo Grant to ask all the questions and pass the test tubes. But she's also bubbly, fun and has an infectious smile. She quickly endears herself to the Doctor and the UNIT boys.

This story pairs the introduction of the Master as the antagonist with the return of the Nestene Consciousness and the Autons. Under the Master's evil manipulations, the Auton's are far more deadly this time around. We are quickly shown just how evil the Master is and how polar opposite he is to the Doctor.

This story sets the course for the season with great promise and more formulaic than the last.

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