Sunday, June 30, 2013

123. Time-Flight

I'm melting! I'm melting!

Season 19 kicked off with the ambitious Castrovalva and through the a semi-linked narrative, the rest of the season played out at this new Doctor settled in to his new body. The loss of his companion Adric last episode was a shock to everyone and the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa are still mourning his loss at the beginning of this story. But they are quickly swept up in another one of the Master's screw ball schemes. This time two Concorde jets get sucked back in time to a prehistoric era, with some great location shooting at Heathrow Airport. And the Master insists in wearing a disguise for the first 3 episodes which generally has no point. We get to see a ghost of Adric just to rub salt in the wound. Nyssa gets some good scream time in and Tegan finally gets dropped off at Heathrow, just when she decides she doesn't want to leave the Doctor. Queue season ending cliff hanger!

After the big story of last episode, this one could be the victim of fall out. Slightly quieter and less Earth shattering, the return of the Master bookends Peter Davison's inaugural season in the same style it began. While the season had a few high points, it also had a few very lows point but generally mediocre throughout.

122 Earthshock

Ding dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch!

After a 7 year absence from the series, the Cybermen make a big return with a shiny new suit, a dark new CyberLeader with a baritone voice, and bigger plans for universal destruction. Muwahahahaha! The other notable event of the story is the death of Adric. In trying to stop the freighter from crashing into the Earth and killing all the life on it, he stays on board to crack the codes with his mathematical genius. Unfortunately a dying Cyberman blows up the keyboard and Adric never gets to know if he was right. And boom- dead. This is the first time in almost 20 years that the Doctor's companion died in the course of a story (Katrina and Sara Kingdom both bought it in The Dalek Masterplan). Despite Adric being quite annoying this season, it is rather sad that they killed him off. While he was much better with the 4th Doctor, he could have had better chemistry with the 5th. He was a victim of an over crowded TARDIS and bad chemistry in the console room. Of course the beginning of the story has Adric and the Doctor bickering at an all time pitch. If Tegan is acting as the level headed one, something is wrong. It is nice to see some remorse and sadness on Nyssa and Tegan at the end.

121. Black Orchid

Everybody dance the Charleston!

I must say that Black Orchid is my favorite episode of season 19, one of my all time favorite of the Peter Davison era and all time classic of the series. There are no aliens. There are no monsters (so to speak). There are no invasions. There are no doomsday devices. No plots to destroy/take over the world/galaxy/universe. 

The Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric land in 1920's England and are quickly swept up into a cricket match. There they meet the Cranleighs and are whisked off to the Cranleigh estate for a costume charity ball. They soon discover that Nyssa has a twin in the form of Anne Talbot. Hijinx ensues.

This is a return for Doctor Who to an old fashioned historical story that hadn't been done since the 60's. And in my opinion, a welcomed returned! For this two episode story, no one argues, everyone pretty much gets along, and seemingly have a good time. The crew get out of their usual costumes and put on fancy costumes. Tegan, Nyssa and Adric take a spin on the dance floor with Tegan actually being quite good. Tegan also is quite nice in this one, not too sarcastic, complaining, bitchy, or otherwise unpleasant.  Adric is tolerable and just eats the whole time. But as Adric's penultimate story, it's pleasant story for him as they stuff him before the slaughter.

In the grande view of season 19, this story is a quite, peaceful moment for a crew that was plagued by strife and conflict. And knowing the eventual fate of this TARDIS crew, this is the first, last and only time they had a good time together.

120. The Visitation

Burn, baby, burn!

After the experimental last story, we finally get back to some old fashioned alien-invading-historical-Earth story telling. Still trying to get Tegan to Heathrow airport, the TARDIS lands in London 1666 to find an alien race of lizards called the Terileptils trying to destroy the Earth. Adventure ensues.

The TARDIS crew is still bickering with each other. Tegan's still complaining. Adric trips and falls. Nyssa is brilliant as ever. And the Doctor's trying to keep everyone from killing each other. All during an alien invasion. 

The Terileptils are a lovely return to old fashioned monster aliens. Their android is very 1980's with brilliant colors and jewels. Mace is a wonderful guest star for the story. All in all, a nice return to form for a classic Doctor Who story.

119. Kinda

There's a snake in the garden of Eden!

And now we get to the "experimental" Doctor Who story, or more avant garde. Insanity. Mental breakdown. Possession. Evil. Colonization. 

After sidelining Nyssa for the story (the TARDIS was over crowded), Tegan goes for a nap by the wind chimes and get possessed by the Mara. The Doctor and Adric get captured by the colonials looking to colonize the planet and take over the native peoples. Tegan unleashes evil upon the world. Adric has numerous temper tantrums. The Doctor fumbles his way through the story, reacting to the events instead of proacting. He actually gets on better with scientist Todd than any of his current companions and in retrospect would have made a far superior companion. His conversation with Todd really showed that the Doctor was essentially traveling with bickering children and he frequently was playing disciplinarian, while his banter with Todd was very adult, scientific, and non-combative. 

The rest of guest cast where all in top form and gave great performances, most of which were quite over the top. While the story itself is quite deep, contemplative and again "experiment", the cast makes it work and keeps it as a classic story all these years later.

118. Four to Doomsday

Frogs in space!!

After the last few tumultuous episodes, we settle in for a more standard story. There seems to be an on-going story arc of trying to get Tegan back to Heathrow Airport. Of course with the Doctor's track record of TARDIS control, doesn't go well, which in turn causes Tegan to complain more. We get to see the new TARDIS team dynamic really in action and we get to see mounting bickering. Tegan doesn't want to be there and complains about everything. Nyssa and Adric both have superiority complexes and don't know if they're friends or competition. Adric and the 5th Doctor seem to also be competing against each other as well, as opposed to the mentorship he had with the 4th Doctor. While the Doctor is settling into his new body and personality, he seems to also be playing referee between his new companions. Adric was better suited for the 4th Doctor and suffers from too many people in the TARDIS. Nyssa is best suited for the 5th Doctor solo. Tegan adds so much tension to the TARDIS that everyone is at each others throats. While her friendship with Nyssa grows and develops over time, she's not pleasant throughout season 19. 

The story otherwise is standard Doctor Who fair. Crazy antagonist with delusions of grandeur. Robots in the guise of multiple cultures of Earth. Poisonous frogs. Fashion design by Tegan and a healthy does of Enlightenment and Persuasion. It's an interesting character piece for the main cast and seeing them react to the situation and dealing with each other.

117. Castrovalva

Everything old is new again!

Season 19 debuts a new Doctor! Peter Davison begins his tenure as the 5th Doctor, after the monumental 7 year run of Tom Baker. Doing a 180 degree turn, the 5th Doctor is completely different from the 4th in every aspect. Hair, clothes, demeanor, personality. The excellently "unravel" the Doctor as he searches for a new costume. This regeneration takes a little longer for the Doctor to recover from than previous regenerations. Of course in the end the Doctor returns right as rain and saves the day.

This is the 3rd story of the Master's triumphant return trilogy and cements his return with relish. The silly disguises return. The over-the-top acting and devilish laughing are in full effect. And the continual plots to destroy the Doctor are back in force. Good times!

The new TARDIS team starts to congeal with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric. Adric worked better with the 4th Doctor by himself or with Romana. The new dynamic doesn't do him any favors, especially with Tegan arguing all the time. Adric and Nyssa could have been a good two-hander with just the Doctor. Of course with the Doctor settling in to his new personality, bonds with each of them in his own time and way. But it definitely feels like a bunch of children running around the TARDIS and the young-old Doctor is trying to keep them from killing each other. 

All-in-all, a good beginning to the reign of the 5th Doctor!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

116. Logopolis

It's the end but the moment has been prepared for...

For the season finale of the 18th season, Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor, reaches the end of his 7 year tenure. What started with Sarah Jane and the Brigadier, comes to a close with a relative bunch of strangers after saving the universe. With the return of the Master, an old rivalry is renewed and costs the Doctor his life. And with Adric in tow, the Doctor soon picks up Nyssa from last story and Australian air stewardess Tegan Jovanka crashes in too. This is the first time since the original days of Doctor Who that the Doctor has more than 2 companions. The reboot that began at the beginning of this season come to full fruition by the end of the story with a new Doctor, new companions, new theme, new opening, a new Master, etc etc.

While last season's story were a bit bad, this season was a welcomed changed with an injection of new energy. Overall, very consistent and good stories, this Doctor's swan song is a fitting ending to the longest tenured incumbent. While his early days seem more like a golden age of Doctor Who, his ending paved the way for a new ear of classic stories.

115. The Keeper of Traken

I am the Master and you will obey me!

After the 5 year absence of the Master, he returns in full force here. Picking up where Peter Pratt left off, Geoffrey Beevers delivers a masterful performance. Without the fried-egg eyes mask, Beevers is better able to express himself through his face but it is his voice that makes this version of the character. 

We also meet Anthony Ainley as Tremas and Sarah Sutton as his daughter Nyssa, both of which will have huge parts to play going forward in Doctor Who. It's interesting to see the Doctor and Tremas working together throughout the story, knowing Tremas' eventual fate. It's also nice to see Nyssa in her home environment, being brilliant as ever. Knowing what is to come, it's rather sad to watch this again and think of all the destruction the Master will soon wreak upon this peaceful planet. 

The surprise ending with the Master taking over Tremas' body and re-casting Anthony Ainley as the new Master was brilliant and sad at the same time. Ainley would go on to play the Master for the next 8 years, but it's nice to see him play a good guy this once. And Tremas' relationship with the Doctor adds to the tragedy of the Master killing Tremas. As the 4th Doctor's penultimate story, it is par excellence!

114. Warriors' Gate

You were the BEST Romana!

After nearly 3 seasons, nearly 2 in her second incarnation, Romana departs the TARDIS with K9 Mk II in E-Space to help an enslaved species. This has been building over the last few episodes as the Doctor has been trying (unsuccessfully) to get Romana back home to Gallifrey at the Time Lord's request. This led to a detour through E-Space and now to this interdimensional gateway.

This is actually a good departure story for Romana. Thankfully they didn't write her out by having her falling in love with someone or some other naff excuse. Only Romana could leave to a crusader, but she learned from the best. And she had on the cutest little Chinese top and slacks. Very active wear but the silks are lovely.

With the departure of Romana, the end of the 4th Doctor's reign is coming to an end....

113. State of Decay

Blah! Blah! Blah! I want to bite your neck!

Season 18 gets a dose of classic Phillip Hinchcliffe with Uncle Terrance bringing vampires to Doctor Who. And we find out the vampires are the ancient enemy of the Time Lords! Who knew! After picking up stow away Adric last story, he now stumbles into trouble and gets mixed up with a bad crowd. The Doctor and Romana stumble into their own nest of bats and Romana nearly gets sacrificed in a beautiful white satin dress with exquisite beading and brocade work in the bodice. Her outfit throughout the rest of the story is a beautiful beige number with cute boots and spats. Tom's appearance continues to deteriorate to the point where he now is starting to visibly grey. By the end of the story, the Doctor and Romana seem to have accepted Adric into the fold, whether they like it or not. And the adventures continues.

112. Full Circle

Enter Adric!

The Doctor and Romana are sucked into E-Space en route to Gallifrey and hilarity ensues. Actually it is the beginning of the end for Romana, at least. The Time Lords have summoned her home but she seems less than excited. Conveniently the TARDIS takes them on a detour. 

Full Circle is somewhat of a return to classic Doctor Who with Marshmen emerging from the water (ala Sea Devils), giant spiders emerging from coconuts shells (ala Planet of the Spiders), and a backwards community of people (ala Face of Evil reversed). It's actually a good story and holds up well after all these years.

Then of course there is Adric. For his debut story, he's hits all the typical Adric points and says all the Adric things in his special Adric way. You can tell immediately that Romana has no patience for him and annoys her. Of course Adric's bother is quite cute and would have been a better companion. For good or bad, let the era of Adric begin!

111. Meglos

You're a prickly one, Meglos!

The stylistic reboot of Doctor Who continues with more outer space drama. They're getting better at using the CSO. The makeup is quite good. The titular villain Meglos, a cactus who can take one human form, it quite good when his prickers are out. Tom Baker does an excellent double turn as both the Doctor and as Meglos. Romama seems a little side lined in this story and her outfit is atrocious for this setting. The treat of the story is the return of Jacqueline Hill, who played original companion Barbara Wright from 1963-1964, this time playing Lexa. While a very different role from Barbara, she plays it wonderfully and with relish. Her noble sacrifice at the end to save Romama it touching especially when you consider this was Jacqueline's final work with the series before her death in 1993 from breast cancer.

110. The Leisure Hive

Welcome to the age of John Nathan-Turner!

And on the turn of dime, Doctor Who changes completely again! New theme music! New opening title sequence! New costume! New incidental music! New look and feel! Old K9 voice! This is probably the biggest reboot of the series since the transition from 1969 to 1970, from Patrick Troughton to Jon Pertwee, from black & white to color. 

There is also a marked difference in Tom Baker's personality. He is more somber, more serious and darker. The change in costume to burgundys is a visible sign of this change. Of course, this is the beginning of the end for the 4th Doctor as this will be Tom Baker's 7th and final season of the titular Doctor. While it was unknown at the time that Baker was ill, you can see the difference in his face and body and how he's changed over the 7th years. Even the spark between Tom and Lalla/ Doctor and Romama seems tempered and non-existent at this point. And even though this isn't my favorite Romama outfit, it is cute and appropriate for Brighton Beach. 

The story itself is actually pretty good and holds up well all these 33 years later. A far cry better than most of the stories of season 17 and set the tone for Tom's swan song season.