Sunday, June 30, 2013

117. Castrovalva

Everything old is new again!

Season 19 debuts a new Doctor! Peter Davison begins his tenure as the 5th Doctor, after the monumental 7 year run of Tom Baker. Doing a 180 degree turn, the 5th Doctor is completely different from the 4th in every aspect. Hair, clothes, demeanor, personality. The excellently "unravel" the Doctor as he searches for a new costume. This regeneration takes a little longer for the Doctor to recover from than previous regenerations. Of course in the end the Doctor returns right as rain and saves the day.

This is the 3rd story of the Master's triumphant return trilogy and cements his return with relish. The silly disguises return. The over-the-top acting and devilish laughing are in full effect. And the continual plots to destroy the Doctor are back in force. Good times!

The new TARDIS team starts to congeal with Nyssa, Tegan and Adric. Adric worked better with the 4th Doctor by himself or with Romana. The new dynamic doesn't do him any favors, especially with Tegan arguing all the time. Adric and Nyssa could have been a good two-hander with just the Doctor. Of course with the Doctor settling in to his new personality, bonds with each of them in his own time and way. But it definitely feels like a bunch of children running around the TARDIS and the young-old Doctor is trying to keep them from killing each other. 

All-in-all, a good beginning to the reign of the 5th Doctor!

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