Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tis the Season.... for Doctor Who Christmas Specials!

Now that the euphoria has slightly worn off from all the anniversary festivities and the multiple viewings of the Day of the Doctor and An Adventure in Space and Time, it's time to start my annual marathon of Doctor Who Christmas specials. Since the show came back in 2005, we've gotten a special Christmas episode every year now totaling 8 specials. So in preparation for this years, which is Matt Smith's finale, I begin my Christmas journey.

I start with The Unquiet Dead from season 1 with Christopher Eccleston. While this wasn't a Christmas special, it starred Charles Dickens at Christmas time with ghosts. Enough said! It's always lovely to revisit the 9th Doctors season, now especially after the events of The Day of the Doctor and seeing the events directly preceeding the 9th Doctors debut in Rose. 

Next stop is the first proper Christmas special from 2005 The Christmas Invasion. Heralding the debut of David Tennant as the 10th Doctor, it's brilliant in that he spends the first half of the story passed out in bed. But when he wakes up, he drives the show with the petal to the metal. By the end, David has cemented himself in the role of the 10th Doctor and in our hearts forever.

The following year in 2006, we received The Runaway Bride with the amazing Catherine Tate debuting the wonderful Donna Noble. After the departure of Billie Piper's Rose last episode, Catherine's Donna was the perfect tonic and raised our spirits on Christmas day. It was just a fun adventure and paved the way for their great season together. 

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