Monday, July 30, 2012

Tara, Frankly my dear I don't give a ...

Sunday before breakfast and before Michael left for the day(while Jim was showering) we popped in the first episode of
 This particular story is not my favorite of the Key to Time season, but Micheal requested that we watch it, due to the fact that it's the story that Mary Tamm gets to pull double duty and play two roles.

Of course, this was sort of a moot point, as we only watched the one episode and her second role of the princess does not actually appear in the first episode.

What does appear however is this hideous outfit that she wears. Sorry, yes, this is at heart a gay blog written by two gay men, so from time to time, there will be some sort of comment on fashion.

Yes, I know it was the 70's, but that's still no excuse for a hideous costume.

When I think of Mary Tamm's role as Romana, I generally tend to think of the two stories that I remember most from my childhood. The Ribos Operation and the Stones of Blood. I don't know if its just because they were played more on my local PBS station, or if they just stuck out in my mind over the others.

In regard to the weekend spent together, we may not have watched much Who, but we did talk about it, trading quips over characters and titles that were similar to words that came up in conversation. We also chatted about the upcoming 50th year anniversary and what we might like to see happen.

We finished up by having breakfast at a local diner and reading the article about Doctor Who in this months Entertainment Weekly-Bill

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic games they play with us...

So Michael and Jim are here on the cape for the weekend, while we have not watched any Doctor Who as of yet ( I am hoping for a Romana mark 1 story in remembrance of the late Mary Tamm) we did watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

I must say a few things about it:

-1) This should have happened

-2) This also should have happened

-3)  I know that this did happen...
        ...but come on, points 1 & 2 were what really should have happened.

-4) While it was cool that 007 transported the queen to the opening ceremonies, I happen to think it would have been just a bit cooler for the Doctor to pick up the Queen and bring her there via TARDIS. I'm just saying...

Thats it for now
Sorry for the 3 week lull in between posts, I expect to pick up the pace and post more regularly from now on.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

K-9 or Canine...that is the question

Pet they mechanical or flesh'n'bone and time are two things that every pet owner has to  contend with. Don't worry, this blog post is not going to be maudlin or traumatic, or even sad. I have no horrible news to impart.

I am just posting this because tomorrow my girl beagle Kara is going in for surgery to have a few polyps in her bladder removed. The vet surgeon says that it is very routine surgery and that dogs actually take to this type of surgery better than humans do. The incision is small, no larger than what it would be when she was spayed.

It just makes me realize that pet ownership comes with its good points and bad points. Even when your dog is a mechanical super computer like (The Doctor's, Romana's, Leela's and Sarah Jane Smith's dog) K-9 sometimes things still go wrong:

    -He could get laryngitis and have a completely different voice for a full season
    -He could stupidly chase a beach ball into the ocean for no apparent reason and get his insides       soaked
    -He could have to stay inside because the ground is slightly uneven and he cannot maneuver it

or he could just get rusty and being trapped in a century with primitive technology, he could have a lack of available working parts to fix himself up with.

That's all for now, I just wanted to share that thought, take care of your pets because they take care of you by providing you with love, companionship, friendship, laser beam snouts and answers to complex mathematical equations.

Oh, and this is Kara, she's just a regular girl that likes treats a bit too much, she hasn't helped defeat monsters or villains or evil despots but she sure is good for a cuddle.
