Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I found in the post box today(which is NOT bigger on the inside)

Today when I got home from work I was greeted by two packages containing Doctor Who items. First off, after our discussions of Seeds of Death and Seeds of Doom, I decided to buy Seeds of Death.

I will most likely watch this on my next day off. So thank you for bringing it to my attention

The other item that I received was a toy/action figure of everyone's favorite mechanical dog
K-9...though this version is not the normal Doctor Who version of the pup, its from the Australian children's show.
Same dog,(well, sort of, there have actually been a number of versions or "marks" of K-9) just different adventures.

I know that you(Michael) don't like the show-as you say "this is not MY K-9" but you have to admit the figure is pretty cool. He will look good hanging around with the other K-9 in my collection.

I know that this doesn't really count much as a blog, I should probably discuss K-9 a bit or the various adventures that he has had, but I just felt like sending out a simple and quick "Here are some toys that I got" blog.


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