Friday, December 21, 2012

A Christmas Box bigger on the inside

Sorry it's been a while since I have been on here, Michael has been here more timely than I, but we both have been busy. We have had the whole first half of the current season pass us by and now we are days away from the Christmas episode and the introduction of new companion Clara.

Christmas is actually what I want to talk about. This year I have been working retail to get by( since the loss of my office job over a year and a half ago) Christmas is not the best of times to be working retail in a mall, unless one entertains legions of Cybermen or squads of Daleks overtaking the holiday horde.

We have SO much Doctor Who merchandise for sale that is makes my heart heavy with joy. It really is quite amazing to see the variety of people buying this stuff. Yeah, there are still the die hard old fans that come in to buy stuff, but the new "Whovians" are great to see too. Grandma's are buying for their grandkids, kids are buying for their friends and families who watch together are buying for each other.

We have three sections in our store in a very prominent place housing all the Who goodies and I was thrilled the other day to realize I needed to make an understock for some of the merchandise because there was not enough room on the shelf. HOW FREAKING GREAT IS THAT!

I have explained to numerous People what the TARDIS is, What a DALEK is...I have even heard a co-worker or two tell people about the show( it's like I am a proud parent hearing my child explain how the TARDIS got stuck in the 60's Police Box shape because the Chameleon Circuit got stuck)

Pins, Dolls, Sonic Screwdrivers, Fleece Blankets, Bathrobes, Yahtzee games, Mugs, Cups, Tumblers, Cookie Jars, Modems, Bow Ties, Fezes and Scarfs oh my, we have them all

I believe the days of having to hide your head and sheepishly say you are a Doctor Who fan are over. WE are Out and Proud and ready to head into the Time Vortex.

Enjoy the Christmas Episode "The Snowmen" and I will talk to you soon

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Inmate at the Asylum of the Daleks!!

After a long hiatus, the Doctor, the Daleks and I are back! Sorry it's taken me so long to blog but it's been a busy summer. I've been bouncing between classic episodes and new ones.

As we approach the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who next year, the final DVDs of the existing classic episodes are being released. Over the summer, some real classics came out.

 Patrick Troughton's 2nd Doctor has the most episodes missing from the back catalog so any release of his is so precious. While the Krotons has never been ranked as a fan favorite, it does show the 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe and classic form. It's a delight to watch them play off each other as they fight the Croutons!
 Death to the Daleks is the final complete classic Dalek episode to be released and the 3rd last of the 3rd Doctor (Ambassadors of Death and the Mind of Evil are forthcoming). I have such fond memories of this story from my childhood and all these years later, it still holds up. It's so bittersweet to see Liz Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith with Jon Pertwee's 3rd Doctor. Although they are no longer with us, their work and their memories will live with us forever. This episode also marks the last appearance of the Daleks without Davros in the classic series, and I think they're jolly good in it.
The latest classic release completes the Sylvester McCoy era. I don't think The Greatest Show in the Galaxy was broadcast on my local PBS station, so I didn't see it until it was released on VHS in the mid to late 90's. Season 25 had it's ups and downs with the great Remembrance of the Daleks and Silver Nemesis, while the more off beat Happiness Patrol and Greatest Show were not favorites. I wish they has made this a 3 episode story and made Silver Nemesis a 4 part story. While it is classic 7th Doctor/Ace, the story wanders and the cast are all over the place. But it does leave the viewer with an impression of the Doctor that will take us through to the end of the classic series.
Which brings us to tonight's premiere of Series 7 or Season 33 or Year 3! It's been over 8 months since last we saw the 11th Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. It's been two years since we had a proper Dalek story and this seems to bring them back in full force. After their annual appearance during the RTD era, they've been very scarce under the Grand Moff.

Amazingly, this is only the 4th times in the shows almost 50 year history that the Daleks have kicked off a new season (Day of the Daleks, Destiny of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks and now Asylum of the Daleks). This episode also kicks off the final 5 episodes of Amy and Rory. While I've enjoyed the Pond's time in the TARDIS, I think their departure is past due. I'm looking forward to the new girl who is scheduled to debut in this year's Christmas special. It's simply a great time to be a Doctor Who fan. :)

Special Weapons Dalek- FIRE!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tara, Frankly my dear I don't give a ...

Sunday before breakfast and before Michael left for the day(while Jim was showering) we popped in the first episode of
 This particular story is not my favorite of the Key to Time season, but Micheal requested that we watch it, due to the fact that it's the story that Mary Tamm gets to pull double duty and play two roles.

Of course, this was sort of a moot point, as we only watched the one episode and her second role of the princess does not actually appear in the first episode.

What does appear however is this hideous outfit that she wears. Sorry, yes, this is at heart a gay blog written by two gay men, so from time to time, there will be some sort of comment on fashion.

Yes, I know it was the 70's, but that's still no excuse for a hideous costume.

When I think of Mary Tamm's role as Romana, I generally tend to think of the two stories that I remember most from my childhood. The Ribos Operation and the Stones of Blood. I don't know if its just because they were played more on my local PBS station, or if they just stuck out in my mind over the others.

In regard to the weekend spent together, we may not have watched much Who, but we did talk about it, trading quips over characters and titles that were similar to words that came up in conversation. We also chatted about the upcoming 50th year anniversary and what we might like to see happen.

We finished up by having breakfast at a local diner and reading the article about Doctor Who in this months Entertainment Weekly-Bill

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic games they play with us...

So Michael and Jim are here on the cape for the weekend, while we have not watched any Doctor Who as of yet ( I am hoping for a Romana mark 1 story in remembrance of the late Mary Tamm) we did watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

I must say a few things about it:

-1) This should have happened

-2) This also should have happened

-3)  I know that this did happen...
        ...but come on, points 1 & 2 were what really should have happened.

-4) While it was cool that 007 transported the queen to the opening ceremonies, I happen to think it would have been just a bit cooler for the Doctor to pick up the Queen and bring her there via TARDIS. I'm just saying...

Thats it for now
Sorry for the 3 week lull in between posts, I expect to pick up the pace and post more regularly from now on.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

K-9 or Canine...that is the question

Pet they mechanical or flesh'n'bone and time are two things that every pet owner has to  contend with. Don't worry, this blog post is not going to be maudlin or traumatic, or even sad. I have no horrible news to impart.

I am just posting this because tomorrow my girl beagle Kara is going in for surgery to have a few polyps in her bladder removed. The vet surgeon says that it is very routine surgery and that dogs actually take to this type of surgery better than humans do. The incision is small, no larger than what it would be when she was spayed.

It just makes me realize that pet ownership comes with its good points and bad points. Even when your dog is a mechanical super computer like (The Doctor's, Romana's, Leela's and Sarah Jane Smith's dog) K-9 sometimes things still go wrong:

    -He could get laryngitis and have a completely different voice for a full season
    -He could stupidly chase a beach ball into the ocean for no apparent reason and get his insides       soaked
    -He could have to stay inside because the ground is slightly uneven and he cannot maneuver it

or he could just get rusty and being trapped in a century with primitive technology, he could have a lack of available working parts to fix himself up with.

That's all for now, I just wanted to share that thought, take care of your pets because they take care of you by providing you with love, companionship, friendship, laser beam snouts and answers to complex mathematical equations.

Oh, and this is Kara, she's just a regular girl that likes treats a bit too much, she hasn't helped defeat monsters or villains or evil despots but she sure is good for a cuddle.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Few Helpful Hints

Here are a few things I have picked up as life lessons from watching Doctor Who:

-Not all alien planets have quarries, but most alien planets look like quarries

-Being good at math does not guarantee that you will live a long life

-Not all people with hair like Rick James are logic computing robots from the future

-Sometimes screaming your head off DOES actually defeat the monsters

-If you find a severed stone hand with bling, don't hold it

 -Most corridors look the same and are endless

 -Having big boobs and wearing a bikini will generally always get you noticed

-If you see someone who looks exactly like you, there is a distinct possibility that person is either:
   an evil megalomaniac dopple-ganger intent on taking over the world,
   an android,
   an alien copy,
   a plastic mannequin imbued with an alien life-force,
   or an exact copy of you that has been regenerated from a severed body part

And probably the most important thing
-If a ventriloquist dummy carries a knife, moves on its own and contains a pig's heart... get the hell out of there.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I found in the Blog today....

To add to our continuing banter about the Seeds of Death and the Seeds of Doom....

The version of the Seeds of Death that Bill just received was originally issued on DVD in 2004.

The BBC just released a Special Edition with a fresh cleaning of the video for pristine picture quality and loads of extras.

Of course this is 8 years after the original DVD release.

At this rate, Bill will get the Special Edition DVD in the year 2020.

Let's take a moment to think about that.

In the year 2020, besides having flying cars, Bill will be as old as Doctor Who is this year and I will still be younger. :p

But I digress....

On to the K9 debate!

Yes, I was not fond of the new K9 program. I do think his new design is fine.

Not to sure about the ears though. And I have thought of getting the new toy.

(Christmas is only 6 months away, hint hint).

But it's like comparing the new Cylons to the old Cylons. The classics are CLASSIC!

While the new models are cool and the flesh models are very... fleshy, there's something about the original that is a timeless classic.

I just hope that next step in K9's evolution is not a flesh covered android with a tail that glows red!

Of course in the year 2020, we might be able to get a fleshy new model for ourselves! :)

What I found in the post box today(which is NOT bigger on the inside)

Today when I got home from work I was greeted by two packages containing Doctor Who items. First off, after our discussions of Seeds of Death and Seeds of Doom, I decided to buy Seeds of Death.

I will most likely watch this on my next day off. So thank you for bringing it to my attention

The other item that I received was a toy/action figure of everyone's favorite mechanical dog
K-9...though this version is not the normal Doctor Who version of the pup, its from the Australian children's show.
Same dog,(well, sort of, there have actually been a number of versions or "marks" of K-9) just different adventures.

I know that you(Michael) don't like the show-as you say "this is not MY K-9" but you have to admit the figure is pretty cool. He will look good hanging around with the other K-9 in my collection.

I know that this doesn't really count much as a blog, I should probably discuss K-9 a bit or the various adventures that he has had, but I just felt like sending out a simple and quick "Here are some toys that I got" blog.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Taxing the Memory for Titles

After all the confusion with the Seeds of Death and the Seeds of Doom, I thought I'd make a little cheat sheet to help prevent any more confusion with our Doctor Who titles. :)

·      The Curse of Peladon is not the same curse as the Curse of Fenric
·      The Time Meddler is not a Time Warrior or a Time Monster
·      The Ark is not the Ark in Space although it is in space and it’s an ark
·      The War Machines were not in the War Games
·      The Time Warrior and the Warriors of the Deep did not go to Warrior’s Gate
·      The Power of the Daleks is not the same power as the Power of Kroll (AC/DC)
·      The Evil of the Daleks, the Mind of Evil, the Planet of Evil, and the Face of Evil are all the same kind of evil, so says the Devil (not Sea Devils)
·      The Hand of Fear did not get caught in the Web of Fear
·      The Mind Robber stole the Mind of Evil
·      From Death comes the Seeds of, the Ambassadors of, the Green, the Robots of, and the City of
·      The Three Doctors, the Five Doctors and the TwoDoctors are all the same Doctor
·      The Invasion is not the same invasion as The Dalek Invasion of Earth, the Invasion of the Dinosaurs, the Android Invasion, or even the Invasion of Time
·      The Monster of Peladon is not a Time Monster and is not in the Carnival of Monsters
·      The Invisible Enemy is not the Enemy of the World, or is it?
·      Mark of the Rani and Time & The Rani are the same Rani, different hair-do

Friday, June 15, 2012

Which incarnation am I in? I can't seem to remember...

                             Ben and Polly look on as the Doctor peruses through his diary

Our daily communications are texts of few words in them. Normally these texts are Doctor Who related in one way or another, be it a thought about a story that has passed, information on breaking news or that one or the other of us is watching an episode.
When I say few words, I don't mean to say that we text one or two words each and then are done for the day, quite the opposite actually. It's one or two words, send, reply, one or two words.
Lather, Rinse and Repeat
This will go on for hours, or for the whole day.

These texts will often highlight the one factor of my personality that is a constant and that has become a running joke between the two of us over the years.

My memory...
or should I say my complete lack of memory.

Basically, my memory is about as good as a TARDIS with a screen door hurtling through the Space Time Vortex.

Case in point, tonight's text was about Seeds of Death.
You texted me that you were watching it.

"I'm sowing my Seeds of Death" you texted.

some texting with inappropriate content occurs.

"Dirty Krynoid" is what I text back

"Seeds of Death are Ice Warriors" you reply Because I have confused Seeds of Death with Seeds of Doom.

I make another inappropriate comment in regard to a character named Toberman

"That's Tomb of the Cybermen dear" you reply

"Crack open and Ice Cold Warrior " I reply

"Sam Elliot" you say

"Thats the one with the soap bubbles right?" I text to clarify things

"yup" you agree.

Sadly, It takes me a few tries to get it right, yeah, I always confuse the two stories Seeds of Death and Seeds of Doom...not because the stories are similar, its just because I can't ever remember which story is which. This time, I added the extra bonus of throwing a 3rd story into the mix to confuse myself even further.

The interjection of Sam Elliot is just your way of commenting that my memory is faulty. Inside joke to this is that we were once, a long time ago, speaking of a movie. I couldn't remember the actors name in it. I couldn't remember if he was Sam Elliot or Sam Neill. Speaking about this now, I can't remember if we were talking about the Hulk with Sam Elliot playing General Ross, or about Event Horizon with Same Neil(I had to look up the name of the S.N. movie while typing this because shockingly, I couldn't remember the name of it)

Perhaps I should start keeping a diary, it worked for the Doctor, he was able to reflect back into his 500 year diary to check things out. At 41 I sure wish I could remember more. At this rate, I most likely won't remember a thing by the time I get to my next regeneration.

Time and tide melt the snowman
oops, I mean, time will tell.

At least I know I will have you there to point out my mistakes of the mind, either by giving me the information I need... or by smartly and smugly just uttering
"Sam Elliot" to me


                                                Seeds of Doom, Color, 1970's, 4th Doctor 

                                          Seeds of Death, Black & White, 1960's 2nd Doctor

                                 Tomb of the Cybermen, Black & White, 1960's, 2nd Doctor

Yeah, they may both have the words "Seeds"in the title, but they are nothing alike and are years apart. I am going to stress that since I was being clever and inappropriate with my text about the character of Toberman, I just got mixed up...since they were both 2nd Doctor stories and were both in B&W.

That's my story and I am sticking with it, for at least as long as I can remember

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Good Companions

It's a wonderful surprise when a good, faithful companion drops in for a quick journey through time & space. Despite the adversity and tribulations of day to day life, sometimes the best tonic is a quick jaunt in the TARDIS for an adventure. And even though those companions can occasionally fall asleep on my Couch of Slumber, the time spent together does my hearts good. I wish we had more time. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Patrolled by Happiness

So, even though this was a tough weekend, I was able to spend a short time with you and we were able to watch a bit of Doctor Who. I guess its sort of ironic, or maybe it was planned, that we ended up watching The Happiness Patrol.
 I had to deal with a bunch of crap that was frustrating and irritating and you have had a really tough week and are not necessarily at your best either.
So, we pick a story that shows the Doctor and Ace landing on a planet where Happiness is enforced under penalty of death. In a change of pace, the Doctor is fighting to allow the populace the chance at being miserable, unhappy, sad or depressed.

Ha! apparently he had already gotten to un-oppress us and give us that option.

It was comforting to know that getting breakfast, albeit a late one, and then going back to your apt to just sit in front of the tv and watch an episode of Who together was what I needed at that time.

Sitting on your sleep inducing couch, occasionally conversing about what was happening on the screen, was a great way to end the weekend before the drive back to the Cape.

Thank you

As Helen A says "Happiness shall prevail"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Time to watch

I am thinking that the time to have a Doctor Who watching weekend is long overdue.
What do you say Michael?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tattoos and Time Lords

(I know I said that I was going to blog about watching Dragonfire today, but I ended up working and didn't have time to watch it, I will do so later in the week)

The other day I got a text from Michael that read-
"Would you get the new seal of the Time Lords tattoo'd on ya?"
I replied that I might
I asked if he would and he said the that he had a plan in mind
a plan for him to be tattooed with it, not for me getting one.

I figured that this was a good time to bring up tattoos as they had been mentioned previously in the blog.

Both Michael and I have the same tattoo.
We both have the Seal of Rassilon tattooed on us, on different parts of our bodies and of course, we did this independently of each other, but we have the same tatt none-the-less
Mine is on my left arm

(not the best picture, but hey, I am not a photographer, I was attempting to get this shot with my crappy camera phone all by myself)

I had been wanting to get a tattoo that was in some way Doctor Who related, but was not sure exactly what it was that I wanted. I didn't want it to be anything super obvious like a Dalek or the TARDIS. A while before I had completed reading a two part Doctor Who book called Interference. The first volume of the story had a picture of the Seal of Rassilon on it front and center. I decided that was the image that I wanted.

I brought the book with me to the tattoo joint for a reference and whamo- I got the image that I wanted.

Slight background on the Seal, the image was first used in the 4th Doctor story "Revenge of the Cybermen" and was seen in the council room on the asteroid Voga.  This first appearance actually didn't have anything to do with the Time Lords or with Gallifrey, I guess the design department of the show must have liked the way it looked and decided to reuse it. After this, the image was usually seen any time that the Doctor went back to his home planet of Gallifrey. It could be seen on many things there from art, to wall engravings, signs and on clothing
When I first met Michael, we both quickly discovered through conversation that we both had the same tattoo. It was a cool geeky bonding moment that just shows that our friendship is about shared interests.

The tattoo became something that I could use in conversation, if I was talking to someone about Doctor Who and the conversation became involved, I could pull up my sleeve and show that hey, yeah, I am a geek and really like the show.  It also would sometimes be a conversation starter. I can say that it started a conversation that ultimately became pretty important in my life.

I was camping in Pennsylvania with my roommate Mikey(who has been mentioned here before, way back in the beginning) and I was in the pool, a guy looked at my tattoo and asked me what it was.
It had been a few years that I had this inked on me, so I was prepared for this conversation. I replied-
 " would you like the real answer or the easy answer?"
he replied that he wanted the real answer. I advised him it was the Seal of Rassilon. He replied back to me quickly that he knew that was what it was, he just wanted to make sure. He then asked me what the easy answer was. I was used to people asking who had no idea what Doctor Who was, and had learned that it was easier to say that it was a sort of celtic inspired design. No harm no foul, and it was easy to say.

This conversation that was started out over a tattoo lasted the whole weekend, it continued for two years as a long distance dating and continues today as an almost 8 year long which 2 1/2 of those years have been married years.

See, you never know who and what Doctor Who will bring to you in life.
First I got a best friend out of it, then a husband.

Would I get a tattoo of the "new Current " show Gallifreyan script? sure, why not. The new show has really taken the images and language of the Time Lords and advanced it for more onscreen time and it looks pretty neat. Where would I get it out on me? no clue as of yet? It won't be for a while though as I currently have a back piece( non Doctor Who related) that needs to be completed.

I look forward to hearing what Michael has planned for his...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

like a PBS pledge drive interrupting the show...but no money is being asked for...

Just a quick interruption of regular blogging...If you happen to visit our page, feel free to "follow" us, it makes us feel special...And check out our first Poll on the sidebar and voice your opinion.

Good Bye Melanie Jane Bush Hello Ace(or Dorothy McShane)

Tonight I bought the Sylvester McCoy story Dragonfire. This is the last Mel episode and the first appearance of Ace, the last companion of the "Classic" series. I am planning on watching this on Monday on my day off and then blogging some thoughts on it. -Bill

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Speaking of yard work...

It's been a bit too long since my last post, just lost track of time and space apparently.

I had intended on doing some yard work today but it rained all last night and most of the day today.  Working outside with plants made me remember that I got this new toy in the mail the other day.
 Tom Baker's 4th Doctor and the Krynoid, complete with closed pod and opened flowering pod come in this Seeds Of Doom set. It's pretty cool. Cue up spooky organ music and envision a raging winter snowstorm because the march of the killer plants is about to being.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Dimensionally Transcendental

As I sit in my bed and read Bill's last entry, I begin to look around my bedroom and take stock of what I have- just in this room:

TARDIS exteriors- 11
(9 toys, 1 poster, 1 River Song journal)

TARDIS interiors- 4
(3 toy sets, 1 photograph in the 11th Doctor's console room)

Daleks- 15 toys

Cybermen- 12 toys

Doctors- 8 toys

Sonic Screwdrivers- 11
(9 sonic screwdrivers, 1 sonic laser, 1 sonic lipstick)

Hypercubes- 3

Recorders- 1

We'll save the inventory of audio CD's and books in my room for another time. :)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bigger on the inside...

Sitting here in my living room writing this post I look around me and see 3 TARDIS toys located in various spots. Believe me, we have more in the house than that, its just that only 3 of them are in this room. (My house is like a toy showroom...though more on that in a later post.)

                                                       (rather dark but Amy Pond is inside)
                                                        (the 7th Doctor guards the videos)
                   (the TARDIS after its materialized in the adventure of the windowsill Foo Dog)

  Thinking about traveling in the TARDIS with the Doctor was mentioned in my earlier post and then the one that you wrote as a response Michael, the actual traveling was mentioned but not the mode of travel.

I want to give some thought to that. One of the amazing and mysterious aspects of the Doctor's existence and my fascination with the show, is the interior of the TARDIS...or Time And Relative Dimension In Space.  Through the miracle of Gallifreyan technology, the ability to place an infinite amount of space inside a small shell. The Exterior of the TARDIS has been stuck in the shape of a 1960's Police Call box for most of the duration of the show, with a few quick exceptions. The TARDIS contains a chameleon circuit that allows it to blend in with its surroundings the instant it dematerializes. After being on Earth for an extended period of time, the TARDIS was locked in this form.

The interior of the TARDIS is infinite, it's a maze of rooms and corridors and wonder. Every person who walks through the doors of the Police Box is instantly awed by the fact that it is Bigger on the Inside. Most say this, or attempt to say this. Some deal with it amazingly well, others are dumbfounded. I was always fascinated with this idea. Growing up and having my earliest memories be Tom Baker episodes, I became familiar with the white console room, the hexagonal control panel and the roundels decorating the walls.

I remember being confused and then delighted when the Doctor and Sarah Jane uncover the secondary control room in an episode. This control room was wood paneled, darker and full of atmosphere. The console was wooden and nautical in appearance and there was stained glass on the walls.

 What the heck was this? How could this control room be there? How the heck could this room that was located in a completely different part of the ship have an exit door that led to the exact same place as the control room that I was familiar with? I think at this point I was probably too young to grasp why this was but I guess after a moment I just accepted that it was the way it was and moved on from there.
Later in the same Doctor's era we get to see more of the interior with the medical bays, some labs, the swimming pool and a sort of power station/area. This was shown to us not as the roundel covered walls and sterile white but as brick and stone, some of it looking like it was tunnels made of concrete and steel.
I always thought this was really pretty cool.

As an adult, having read numerous Doctor Who books and watching all the episodes, I really got fascinated with the interior of the TARDIS. Its vast and ever changing. I know that technically the reason that it was ever changing is because of production issues, cost, storage and a million other things...but the act of having to change a set because of those issues did not detract from the show, quite the opposite. It made the show richer in history and mystery.
 Over the years the TARDIS has been hinted at being sentient and having its own sense of person, we have seen a physical manifestation of the TARDIS in the current series(Idris), we have seen one of the companions actually become the TARDIS and then her own TARDIS in the books(Compassion), we have learned that the TARDIS changes her interior when it suits her, or to assist the Doctor or even to foil an enemy.
 The TARDIS has changed her interior from an intimate white console room, to a very Edwardian/Victorian/Nautelous feel of the 8th Doctor to the feeling of enormity of the 9th,10th and 11th Doctors. Heck, we have even seen that the TARDIS has a room in it that is comprised of a grassy hilltop with thousands of butterflies in it. ( the BBC 8th Doctor Adventures novels)
How can this not be something to delight and fascinate a child or an adult?

In the 5th Doctor's tenure we did see a lot of the interior of the TARDIS, we got to see more of the Doctor and his companion's "home life" so to speak. For the first time, we really got to see that this was not just a mode of transport for them, but it was home, it was where they lived. We get to see companion's bedrooms and see a bit into their private lives. The first Doctor's companions seemed to just sleep on some  diagonally raised couches in the same room, very 60's future-ish sci-fi, never really having their own space or privacy.

I just find the entire idea of the infinite space of the interior to be amazing, I want to see more. I always liked it when a new Time Lord such as the Master or the Rani or the Meddling Monk was shown, it was another chance to see what the interior of a TARDIS looked like and how it differed from the Doctors.

I wish that someone would publish a book just on the interiors of the TARDIS, detailing what we have seen, pictures of the various rooms, schematics, listings etc...I know its hard to make a map of an infinite space...but someone should try.

I remember thinking that as an adult it would be really cool to decorate a room as if it was a room in the TARDIS by creating back lit roundels for the walls, or for a hallway. Dorky?...yeah, Geeky?...yeah, Cool?...Hell Yeah!  Have I done it yet? nahhh, not yet...but that doesn't mean it will never happen.

For me, traveling in the TARDIS would be a really amazing experience, I would love to get to explore the mysteries, the corridors, the rooms and every nook and cranny that it had to offer. Of course, since its an infinite space(and a fictional space as well) that would be an impossibility, but the adventure would be worth the time. So yeah, I guess this answers my previous question of would I be a companion, given more thought, yeah, I would.