Monday, April 30, 2012

Dimensionally Transcendental

As I sit in my bed and read Bill's last entry, I begin to look around my bedroom and take stock of what I have- just in this room:

TARDIS exteriors- 11
(9 toys, 1 poster, 1 River Song journal)

TARDIS interiors- 4
(3 toy sets, 1 photograph in the 11th Doctor's console room)

Daleks- 15 toys

Cybermen- 12 toys

Doctors- 8 toys

Sonic Screwdrivers- 11
(9 sonic screwdrivers, 1 sonic laser, 1 sonic lipstick)

Hypercubes- 3

Recorders- 1

We'll save the inventory of audio CD's and books in my room for another time. :)


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