Sunday, April 15, 2012

How it began... Michael's perspective

So it was 2002 and I was still living in Syracuse, frequently visiting my old friend James (or Jim as he was now known to the rest of the world) in Albany, where he had moved the year prior. At some point he had met this guy named "Bill" and started telling me I had to meet him. Apparently this Bill was some sort of Doctor Who fan. I guess I could believe there was another Dr Who fan out there. I also believed in Yeti's and the Loch Ness Monster.

At some point the stars aligned and we had out first clandestined meeting at a picnic at a lovely couples house in Delmar. From across the backyard I saw Bill and somehow knew it was him. This was before these social networking sights were live and we couldn't cyber-stalk to find peoples pictures yet. I think we exchanged pleasantries and platitudes initially. Then we showed each other our Seal of Rassilon tattoos and BANG! our fates were sealed. I thought "OK, this guy must be for real if he has the Seal tattoo.".

We then began our Doctor Who conversation, comparing notes, favorite Doctor, favorite episode, etc etc. I think that when on for the rest of the night, the following day, and on and on. I can't remember if it was the same weekend but at some point we did discuss a Doctor Who wedding. Ah good times.

(Ironic side note: James (Jim) and I were celebrating a decade of friendship in 2002. Ten years later, Bill and I are now celebrating our decade. If the pattern follows, Bill now has to introduce me to my next decade friend)

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