Wednesday, April 25, 2012

re: A Familiar Vorrrp Vorrrp...

In response to my erstwhile companion's last post, if the Doctor landed in front of me and asked me to join him, I would jump in that TARDIS without reservation or hesitation. Obviously I have dreamed of traveling through time and space my entire life, running around the Console Room, dressing up in great costumes and running down endless corridors. Every time I hear that familiar vorrrp vorrrp I get chills up and down my spine.

I recently went to London, England for the first time and for me, it was like a spiritual journey to Mecca. I had arrived in the Promised Land! I don't think I can adequately convey the feelings and emotions I had that week. I could have easily had titled the trip "Searching for Doctor Who". The entire city is so saturated with scenes and memories from the show, I was punch drunk from drinking in the experience.

While there are many highlights to the trip, there are two that really apply to this post. The first was at the amazing Doctor Who Experience. The tour starts out with a mayday message from the 11th Doctor. He's trapped and needs our help to set him free. Then quite literally the TARDIS materializes in front of you and you go inside into the Console Room! The doors close behind you and the ship takes off, the floor starts pitching, steam is erupting from the console and the time rotor is oscillating up and down. We were in the TARDIS!!! Of course she lands up on the bridge of a Dalek ship, but that's a tale for another time.

The other great moment of the trip was when we were walking back to the Underground Station from the Experience. We turned the corner and there before us, right on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, was an actual Police Box! I immediately got the chills and was slack jawed. I couldn't believe there was a 'TARDIS' in front of me. Granted, I had just seen several TARDIS's and such at the Experience, but this was different because it was a REAL Police Box. While it wasn't humming, I felt an emotional charge when I touched it. I hoped the Doctor was inside and had arrived to whisk me away on an adventure. The doors were locked. I pulled out my TARDIS key to see if it worked. It didn't. Maybe he was on the loo and couldn't come to the door. My heart felt a little sad and disappointed. I took a moment to recompose myself and we went on our way.

In reflection, that week in London was one of, if not the greatest, adventure of my life. While we weren't actually with the Doctor in the TARDIS, following in his footsteps and exploring this amazing planet we live on is the most wonderful journey of a lifetime!


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