Monday, April 16, 2012

Michael, I believe the discussion of the Doctor Who wedding was that very day we met, in the car ride from the party to the apartment. If memory serves correct, there was also talk about having three children and naming them Tegan, Nyssa and Adric (poor bastard) and how they would have little baby jumpers in the colors of their adult television namesakes.

While silly, this exchange was a precursor to conversations that would take place for a decade (and hopefully many more years to come). When Michael and I speak to each other on a daily basis either via email, FaceBook or texting, no matter what the subject is, there is alway some sort of reference to Doctor who wrapped into it a reference from the show, both "Classic" and "Current", countless books, audio adventures or spin-offs.

It's always a part of our exchange. We can have a silly conversation, a mundane day to day chat or be speaking to each other of things that are important to us.  Generally it does not matter, somehow, someway, the Doctor makes his way into our lives.-Bill

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