Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fixing impossible things and pointing at them...

Oddly enough Seeds of Doom is one of the early memories of mine as well, though I watched Doctor Who on our local PBS station WMHT in the mornings. I have memories of watching after getting ready for school and before catching the bus. This was back in elementary school.
Tom and Lis are the Doctor/Companion combo I remember first too...though I do have some shaky memories of seeing John Pertwee and Lis in Invasion of the Dinosaurs

I remember that my brother Brian was always scared of the Daleks when he was little, I never was. Looking back on it I realize that I was never scared of the show, just fascinated with and by it. I am unsure what the appeal was to my much younger self, sadly I can't remember why I liked it, just that I did.

This was back in the days before everyone had a vcr in their homes...once we got ours years later, I remember that I was a maniac about taping the show whenever it was on. This was always an ordeal as you never quite knew how long the show was going to be on for. If you were lucky there were no breaks so you could set the vcr and get it all...UNLESS of course there was a pledge drive on, then it was torture to deal with. You could sit and watch it and hit stop while they went on about donating money, but if you were going out there was no way to do this. You had to use the setting on the tape for the maximum length of time allowed.

I still have the homemade tapes of Doctor Who from my teen years packed away someplace. I need to dig them out someday...especially since we have a friend who actually used to host some of those pledge drives. Of course, back then I didn't know him. I think it would be a hoot (to steal a turn of phrase from Tegan) to watch the tapes and see him.


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