Saturday, February 16, 2013

36. The Evil of the Daleks

As we started the season, so shall we end it. The Daleks return to terrorize the Doctor and end the 4th season of Doctor Who. After the TARDIS is stolen from Heathrow Airport last story, we discover that the Daleks are up to no good again.

This story transports the Doctor and Jamie and Victorian England where they meet new companion Victoria Waterfield. Left an orphan by the end of the story, the Doctor quickly adopts her with Jamie becoming a protective big brother.

Unfortunately only one episode of this story still exists in the Doctor Who library. Meant to be a grande finale for the Daleks, they didn't reappear in the series for another 4 years. We are introduced to the Dalek Emperor for the first time, as a Dalek Civil War rips Skaro apart. An Emperor returns to the series in Remembrance of the Daleks in season 25 and then again in the new series. While the Dalek Civil War is resurrected by Davros, staring in season 21 and running through the end of the classic series. While it appeared that a new civil war would begin in new series season 5 with the creation of the new paradigm Daleks, this was not to come to pass with all of the Daleks seemingly on the same time in Asylum of the Daleks.

The next thrilling FULL episode: The Tomb of the Cybermen!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

35. The Faceless Ones

The Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie land on the tarmac at Heathrow Airport and have to scatter. Hilarity ensures. And then they find aliens...who are faceless. Classic!

Only two episodes of this 4 part story still exist, so you never get a real sense of the story. Following up on last story's new title sequence, we now get a new arrangement of the theme song. We also say good-bye to Polly and Ben, with the TARDIS landing on the day they originally left with him.

It's a shame that more episodes with this swinging '60's couple don't exist. From the fraction that do exist, you get a real sense of caring and affection between the two of them. They are definitely the Ian and Barbara of their era and today they would be Amy and Rory.

Their relationship and Polly specifically is explored more several Big Finish audio releases. In the previously mentioned "The Five Companions", Polly tells the 5th Doctor that her and Ben are still together after all these years. Unfortunately, the actor who played Ben, Michael Craze, passed away a number of years ago. But his character will live on through new audio stories and his remaining TV footage preserved forever.

Back to the Faceless Ones.... the story concludes the TARDIS being stolen and the Doctor and Jamie heading off to search for it.

Next exciting episode: The EVIL of the Daleks!

34. The Macra Terror

The Doctor and crew go to a vacation holiday camp and gets crabs!!

Actually they're just giant crabs that are terrorizing and killings people. Unfortunately there are only a few minutes of footage that still exist of The Macra Terror. A new title sequence debuts with this story and we see the face of the Doctor for the first time in the credits. And despite it not existing, I feel that his face in the title now cements Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor.

Jump ahead over 40 years to the 10th Doctor episode "Gridlock" and there at the bottom of the freeway, hidden under exhaust fumes and cars, there returned even bigger Macra! The moment when the Doctor sees what's down there and utters there name, the fanboy in me yelped at the return of these classic monsters.

Next thrilling episode: The Faceless Ones!!

33. The Moonbase

A base! On the moon! Under siege! By the Cybermen!

In a retread of the Cybermen's last story (which was their first story), we essentially get the same story just this time set on the Moon. The Cybermen also get an upgrade to far superior suits and look quite splendid.

Only 2 of the 4 episodes of this story exist but we can see is a treat. Another shining example of Patrick Troughton at his best as the 2nd Doctor. The scenes of our TARDIS crew walking on the face of the moon, while no longer exist, look amazing in still photos. It reminds me of when the 10th Doctor was on the surface of Mars.

On occasion, Doctor Who was accused of being sexist towards woman (it was 1966). This is not the episode to refute that with. Many scenes show Polly making coffee and tea because there is nothing else she can help with. And she screams. A lot. Though to be fair, the Doctor's companions scream all the way through 1989!

With the return of the Cybermen, they join the pantheon of Who villains, taking their place as #2 behind the Daleks. This story kicks off a series of Cybermen stories threaded throughout the 2nd Doctor's era. More so than the Daleks, the Cybermen own this era as they are more science with a dash of horror. Classic.

Next crabby episode: The Macra Terror!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

32. The Underwater Menace

Finally a story with existing episodes! Yeah! Episode 3 of this four part story has been released with episode 2 recently being found and is scheduled to be released this year. Of the episode and remaining existing footage, I have to say this was an incredible production. The scenes of the fish people swimming underwater are amazing and so cleverly staged. Zaroff is a megalomaniacal arch villain in the best tradition of James Bond. The Doctor, now in his third episode, really shines as he locks wits with his opponent. This Doctor is exhibiting a penchant for hats (hello 11th Doctor) and wearing disguises. And of course this is only the first time we visit Atlantis, although it's next appearance is painted in a completely difference image! No continuity police yet!

Next chilling episode: The Moonbase!

31. The Highlanders

In what would be the last purely historical story of the classic Doctor Who, The Highlanders introduced the 2nd Doctor's stalwart companion Jamie McCrimmon. Jamie is with the 2nd Doctor throughout his entire tenure, exiting the show along side Patrick Toughton in the War Games. While Jamie was not initially intended to become a regular companion, it was decided at the last moment to add him to the crew. This story is another victim of the BBC's video purging with only mere seconds of footage existing.

Next waterlogged episode: The Underwater Menace!

30. The Power of the Daleks

Hello Patrick Troughton and welcome to Doctor Who! And so begins the reign of the 2nd Doctor! With the genius story device of "regeneration" or "renewal" as they say at this point, the show was able to recast the lead actor with someone completely new and didn't have to look like their predecessor, quite the contrary in fact. And so from crotchety old man to the so-called cosmic hobo we go!

The great tragedy of the 2nd Doctor's tenure is that many of his episodes are missing from the BBC library. Season's 4 and 5 were hit the hardest, with only random episodes and film clips existing. The first victim is Patrick Troughton's debut story, The Power of the Daleks.

Who else but the Doctor's greatest enemy should come back to give this new Doctor a trial by fire. In the 50 year history of Doctor Who, the Daleks have kicked off a new season only a handful of times and they never battle the Doctor in his first episode post-regeneration again.

There are a few surviving clips and a trailer for this story which are wonderful little morsels that tease at a great feast that we will probably never see again.

Next exciting episode: The Highlanders!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

29. The Tenth Planet

As the Doctor will say in the future, "It's the end... but the moment has been prepared for." The Tenth Planet is William Hartnell's last full story as the Doctor. After 3 years and deteriorating health, it was decided that William would leave and the role of the Doctor would be recast. From a junk yard in London to the South Pole and everywhere in between, the 1st Doctor blazed a trail across time and space. The Doctor Who of today can be traced back to groundbreaking cast, crew and stories of this era. Even 50 years later, these episodes can be viewed as Doctor Who in its simplest form. Unburdened by continuity, unable to control his TARDIS, and at the mercy of the universe, Hartnell's Doctor set the mold we hatch every Doctor from today.

Fortunately the first 3 episodes of this story and footage of the 1st Doctor's last few minutes with the first regeneration still exist. This material was released on VHS and is expected to be released on DVD this year. It is hoped that the missing episode 4 will be recreated through animation to complete the story for its DVD release. It would be a perfect celebration of 50 years of Doctor Who to see this great story finished and be the final DVD release of the collection.

Up next:
The dawn of a new era as Patrick Troughton becomes the 2nd Doctor in The Power of the Daleks!

28. The Smugglers

The Smugglers kicked off Doctor Who's 4th season and unfortunately, none of this story's episodes exist. I have listened to the audio soundtrack and read the Target novelization, and I still can't remember anything amazing about this story. It was a historical,17th century, set in Cornwall, which took the cast and crew on location, but other than that.... Polly does dress up like a boy for most of the episode to protect herself and Ben takes his shirt off. Ah Ben. :)

But as it is A) season premiere, B) two new companions first trip in the TARDIS, and C) the penultimate episode of the 1st Doctor's tenure, this is a very unmemorable episode. This is the beginning of the end of the classic historical stories, the death knell of history.

It really is unfortunate that none of the footage exists because I'd really like to see Ben without his shirt on.

Next episode, the final story of the William Hartnell era- The Tenth Planet!

27. The War Machines

For the final episode of the 3rd series, the Doctor returns to modern day (1966) London for first time since the first episode back in 1963. After saying farewell to Steven last story, we see Dodo depart half way through this story (with no real explanation) and welcome mod girl Polly and sailor Ben on board the TARDIS.

The story in many ways foreshadows many things to come on the show. A modern day threat to London, this time in the form of the evil computer WOTAN. Check. The Doctor helping out the military to death said threat. Check. A young couple stumbling into the TARDIS for adventure. Check and check!

There's a lovely scene where the Doctor enters the night club Inferno to find Dodo. In his cloak and cap, he stands out in stark contrast to all the swinging 60's kids dancing the night away. This type of scene is seen many times again of the shows 50 years.

A major feature of this story is the Post Office Tower, a then newly opened skyscraper in London and a very identifiable feature of the skyline. When I went to London last year, this was the first major landmark I saw that related specifically to Doctor Who. I was quite slack jawed and in awe of it. I just kept pointing at it and saying "It's the Post Office Tower!" and as I looked around for rogue War Machines.

Series 3 ended as turbulently as it began. With the loss of 5 companions, 2 of which dying, the family unit from the first season is long gone. The stories went further, were more ambitious, had great victories and deeper heart breaking losses. It had become more evident of William Hartnell's ailing health, as his tenure was coming to end. While this last story of the season would more typically have been the Doctor's swan song with the as-yet-unnamed regeneration at the end of the episode, William Hartnell starts season 4 with two more stories.

Next non-existent episode: The Smugglers!

Friday, February 8, 2013

26. The Savages

As it begins, so shall it end. In the second episode of the season, we said good bye to Vicki. And here in the second last episode of the season, we say good bye to Steven. The Doctor and company stage another revolution and leaves Steven behind to clean up the mess. Thanks Doc!

The real tragedy of The Savages is that none of its footage still exists. Another piece of television history lost forever. The audio recording is a treat to listen to with the final moments between the Doctor and Steven really touching.

While I am focusing on the television episodes for the purposes of this blog, I must mention the audio 'The Five Companions' by Big Finish ( In it, the 5th Doctor is reunited with a Steven Taylor later in his life. Steven confesses that he always hoped and wished the Doctor would come back to visit him on the planet of the Savages. It was a heart touching scene over 45 years in the making, and was one of many great scenes on the audio. Another gem of a scene is when Steven and Ian meet each other again after many years, having co-starred in one episode in 1965. Of course the reunion wouldn't be complete without a Dalek!

While we aren't able to see Steven's departure, I am reminded of another departure some 20 years in the future when a young red-headed boy left the Doctor to return home something of a hero after the Doctor rescued him from a prison exile, on the eve of the Doctor's impending regeneration. The beauty of Doctor Who is the cycles it runs, that sometimes history does repeat itself, and the joy of looking back at 50 years, we can revel in its greatness.

Next in the exciting season finale: The War Machines!

25. The Gunfighters

I don't like The Gunfighters. There, I said it. I wouldn't say I hate this story but out of 50 years of Doctor Who stories, this is my least favorite episode. I've never been a fan of Westerns, which I'm not sure if it's because of this story or not (see- the chicken and the egg paradox).

It was one of the last VHS tapes to be released and after many years of not seeing it, I still didn't like it. Then most recently it was released on DVD and I hoped that with it being remastered and with rose colored nostalgia glasses, I might like it more. Well, I don't.

Don't get me wrong. I cherish it as a surviving piece of film with William Hartnell and showcases the talents of Peter Purves and Jackie Lane as Steven and Dodo, respectively. It's an amusing story and a bit farcical. It's just the setting that I just don't like. This story could be any place else and any when else, and I'd probably love it 100% more. It's similar to my aversion to True Blood.

When I heard there was a Western in the latest season of Doctor Who with Matt Smith, I shuddered. I started having bad flashback to this story and my fear of the new episode becoming akin to it. Thankfully it wasn't that bad and it's not at the bottom of my list although I don't frequently rewatch it like the other episodes.

With only one complete and one partial story left with the 1st Doctor, I will force myself to enjoy this precious screen time from the amazing era of Doctor Who.

Next exciting episode: The Savages!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

24. The Celestial Toymaker

The Celestial Toymaker really takes Doctor Who outside his box. For the first time, we meet an alien more powerful than the TARDIS. The Doctor is essentially at the Toymakers mercy and has to play his games. Up to this point, the Doctor has gone up against rather human adversaries in history and credible alien threats. But we now are introduced to a being verging on the god like.

William Hartnell is invisible for most of the story as he was probably in vacation for most of the filming. We're left with Steven and Dodo in some very mod clothing from the TARDIS wardrobe. The Toymaker pits them against some of his outrageous game pawns.

Only the 4th episode of this story still exists and show the final showdown between the Doctor and crew against the Toymaker. It's a great taste of this story but it reminds us of what a shame it is that the whole story doesn't exist. The story ends with the Doctor biting a piece of candy and getting a toothache leading to our next adventure....

Next adventure: The Gunfighters!!

23. The Ark

After the massacre of The Massacre and the Doctor picking up young Dodo, we find ourselves on the Ark with the last survivors of Earth. Of course the survivors are wearing shammy rags and sandals and have enslaved an alien race call the Monoids. Some earth habits die hard.

Dodo brings a cold on the ship and infects everyone to the point of death. A cure is found and everyone is lives. And that's only the end of episode two! The story takes an interesting turn when the TARDIS crew travels 700 years. They find that the human race are now passive slaves to the Monoids! Turnabout is fair play! Of course the Doctor helps the humans defeat their former slaves and saves humanity.

This is a great first episode for Dodo that really sets her apart from the previous girl companions. She's not alien, she's more modern with street cred, and she questions and doubts everything. She is a welcomed fresh breathe of air.

The other interesting plot twist is that this is essentially two stories over 4 episodes. Allowing the TARDIS to jump ahead 700 years, you get to see the consequences of one's action.

Next episode: The Celestial Toymaker!!