Monday, February 11, 2013

35. The Faceless Ones

The Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie land on the tarmac at Heathrow Airport and have to scatter. Hilarity ensures. And then they find aliens...who are faceless. Classic!

Only two episodes of this 4 part story still exist, so you never get a real sense of the story. Following up on last story's new title sequence, we now get a new arrangement of the theme song. We also say good-bye to Polly and Ben, with the TARDIS landing on the day they originally left with him.

It's a shame that more episodes with this swinging '60's couple don't exist. From the fraction that do exist, you get a real sense of caring and affection between the two of them. They are definitely the Ian and Barbara of their era and today they would be Amy and Rory.

Their relationship and Polly specifically is explored more several Big Finish audio releases. In the previously mentioned "The Five Companions", Polly tells the 5th Doctor that her and Ben are still together after all these years. Unfortunately, the actor who played Ben, Michael Craze, passed away a number of years ago. But his character will live on through new audio stories and his remaining TV footage preserved forever.

Back to the Faceless Ones.... the story concludes the TARDIS being stolen and the Doctor and Jamie heading off to search for it.

Next exciting episode: The EVIL of the Daleks!

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