Saturday, February 16, 2013

36. The Evil of the Daleks

As we started the season, so shall we end it. The Daleks return to terrorize the Doctor and end the 4th season of Doctor Who. After the TARDIS is stolen from Heathrow Airport last story, we discover that the Daleks are up to no good again.

This story transports the Doctor and Jamie and Victorian England where they meet new companion Victoria Waterfield. Left an orphan by the end of the story, the Doctor quickly adopts her with Jamie becoming a protective big brother.

Unfortunately only one episode of this story still exists in the Doctor Who library. Meant to be a grande finale for the Daleks, they didn't reappear in the series for another 4 years. We are introduced to the Dalek Emperor for the first time, as a Dalek Civil War rips Skaro apart. An Emperor returns to the series in Remembrance of the Daleks in season 25 and then again in the new series. While the Dalek Civil War is resurrected by Davros, staring in season 21 and running through the end of the classic series. While it appeared that a new civil war would begin in new series season 5 with the creation of the new paradigm Daleks, this was not to come to pass with all of the Daleks seemingly on the same time in Asylum of the Daleks.

The next thrilling FULL episode: The Tomb of the Cybermen!!

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