Sunday, February 10, 2013

32. The Underwater Menace

Finally a story with existing episodes! Yeah! Episode 3 of this four part story has been released with episode 2 recently being found and is scheduled to be released this year. Of the episode and remaining existing footage, I have to say this was an incredible production. The scenes of the fish people swimming underwater are amazing and so cleverly staged. Zaroff is a megalomaniacal arch villain in the best tradition of James Bond. The Doctor, now in his third episode, really shines as he locks wits with his opponent. This Doctor is exhibiting a penchant for hats (hello 11th Doctor) and wearing disguises. And of course this is only the first time we visit Atlantis, although it's next appearance is painted in a completely difference image! No continuity police yet!

Next chilling episode: The Moonbase!

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