Monday, February 11, 2013

33. The Moonbase

A base! On the moon! Under siege! By the Cybermen!

In a retread of the Cybermen's last story (which was their first story), we essentially get the same story just this time set on the Moon. The Cybermen also get an upgrade to far superior suits and look quite splendid.

Only 2 of the 4 episodes of this story exist but we can see is a treat. Another shining example of Patrick Troughton at his best as the 2nd Doctor. The scenes of our TARDIS crew walking on the face of the moon, while no longer exist, look amazing in still photos. It reminds me of when the 10th Doctor was on the surface of Mars.

On occasion, Doctor Who was accused of being sexist towards woman (it was 1966). This is not the episode to refute that with. Many scenes show Polly making coffee and tea because there is nothing else she can help with. And she screams. A lot. Though to be fair, the Doctor's companions scream all the way through 1989!

With the return of the Cybermen, they join the pantheon of Who villains, taking their place as #2 behind the Daleks. This story kicks off a series of Cybermen stories threaded throughout the 2nd Doctor's era. More so than the Daleks, the Cybermen own this era as they are more science with a dash of horror. Classic.

Next crabby episode: The Macra Terror!!

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