Sunday, February 3, 2013

21. The Daleks' Master Plan

The Dalek's Master Plan was a giant 12 episode story that once again brought back the Doctor's greatest enemy and once again, changed the Doctor's life forever. Of the 12 episodes, only 3 episodes still exist today, as released on the Lost in Time special DVD.

From these few remaining minutes of precious footage, we get to see our new companion Katarina, Doctor Who legend Nicholas Courtney in his first role as Bret Vyon, Jean Marsh back as Sara Kingdom, the second appearance of the Meddling Monk, and Kevin Stoney as Mavic Chen. A cavalcade of stars! We also get to see more Daleks than ever before and a whole host of aliens, the likes of which we won't see again until 2005's episode The End of the World.

As with the last two appearances of the Daleks, this meeting has even great consequences for the Doctor. When the Daleks invaded Earth, the Doctor's granddaughter left. When the Daleks chased the TARDIS across time and space, Ian and Barbara returned home. This time, due to the machinations of the Daleks, both Katarina and Sara Kingdom die. Katarina sacrifices herself by blowing herself and an escaped convict out an airlock to allow the Doctor and Steven to escape. and Sara ages to death because of the Dalek's Time Destructor. It's not for another 15 years that the Doctor's companion dies (see Adric in Earthshock).

It is a shame that this epic story doesn't exist in its entirety. While the complete audio exists and provides us with ability to hear this wonderful story, it doesn't do the visuals justice. We see so little of Sara Kingdom and even less of Katarina, these lost companions. That is the real tragedy.

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