Saturday, February 9, 2013

28. The Smugglers

The Smugglers kicked off Doctor Who's 4th season and unfortunately, none of this story's episodes exist. I have listened to the audio soundtrack and read the Target novelization, and I still can't remember anything amazing about this story. It was a historical,17th century, set in Cornwall, which took the cast and crew on location, but other than that.... Polly does dress up like a boy for most of the episode to protect herself and Ben takes his shirt off. Ah Ben. :)

But as it is A) season premiere, B) two new companions first trip in the TARDIS, and C) the penultimate episode of the 1st Doctor's tenure, this is a very unmemorable episode. This is the beginning of the end of the classic historical stories, the death knell of history.

It really is unfortunate that none of the footage exists because I'd really like to see Ben without his shirt on.

Next episode, the final story of the William Hartnell era- The Tenth Planet!

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