Saturday, May 25, 2013

104. Destiny of the Daleks

Destiny of the Daleks kicked off season 17, Tom Baker's 6 as the Doctor, with the introduction of Lalla Ward as a newly regenerated Romana. No reason is given as to why Mary Tamm departs, no scene of one regenerating into another, no accident or cause for the regeneration. Lalla just saunters into the TARDIS console room and after a comical wardrobe change of bodies, Romana settles on a body and an outfit frighteningly similar to the Doctors.

Since the Doctor seemingly can control the TARDIS now, he installs a Randomizer to help him wander time and space aimlessly. Of course where does it take the TARDIS first- Skaro! And what are the Daleks doing there? Digging up Davros! And what's Davros want to do? Regain control of the Daleks! Insane! Of course it's because of the Doctor that Davros is in his cryo sleep and who's the first one he see's when he wakes up- The Doctor!

Unfortunately Michael Wisher wasn't available to reprise his role as Davros, so it fell to David Gooderson to fill the mask, a mask specifically made for Michael that fits David horribly. David just couldn't live up to the over the top characterization Michael brought to the character. Instead of a triumphant return of a great character, its the meager side show of a mediocre characterization. 

Lalla does a fine job taking over the reigns of Romana and starts sketching out her own version of the character who obviously has her own panache for fashion in a very different way than her predecessor. From the get go, you definitely see the on-screen chemistry between Tom and Lalla which will play out over the next almost two years. Ah love is in the air!

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