Saturday, May 25, 2013

108. The Horns of Nimon

Lord NIMON! It is I, SolDEED!

I adore the Horns of Nimon. It is so campy and over the top that you can't take it seriously. Soldeed looks at the camera several times and is crazy as a loon. The Georgian State Dancers as the Nimon are hysterical, while not the prettiest things that have great legs. While the Doctor is sidelined for quite a bit of the story, Romana steps up and takes the lead. And I have to say, I think this is her best outfit yet- so English and highbred yet feminine and classy. Romana even builds her own sonic screwdriver! The character of Seth seems a very proto-Adric, and quite cute. All in all, a jolly romp after the last few duds.

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