Sunday, May 5, 2013

72. Death to the Daleks

The Daleks return for one last go at the 3rd Doctor. And this time they don't the use of their killer lasers, just pop guns. It's a good introduction for Sarah Jane to the Doctor's mortal enemies, as this story is really a Sarah Jane story. Liz Sladen has quickly become the shining star of the show as Jon Pertwee's time winds down. She continues to be a breath of fresh air for the show. This story is well paced and another fun quarry run. 

This story also marks the last appearance of the Daleks in the classic series without their soon-to-be introduced creator Davros. For 11 years, the Daleks have menaced the Doctor on their own without a "human" mouth piece. For the Daleks next 5 major appearances in the next 15 years, the Daleks and Davros are inseparable and only appear briefly in The Five Doctors without their creator. And so ends an era.

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