Sunday, May 12, 2013

79. Revenge of the Cybermen

The Cybermen are back! And it's about time! And GOLD!

After a 7 year hiatus, a rag tag group of Cybermen return to terrorize humanity and destroy the planet Voga, a planet of gold. After the more impressive invasions of the Patrick Troughton era and the complete absence during the Jon Pertwee era, their return here is rather lackluster. 

The Doctor and company manage to return to Nerva Beacon, at an earlier point in its timeline, after bouncing around time and space on a Time Ring from the Time Lords. It's slightly paradoxical that in this first season of Tom Baker's, he meets 3 major recurring villains but only travels in the TARDIS once.

Of course the Doctor defeats the Cybermen, saves the planet of gold and is reunited with the TARDIS. And so ends Tom's first season. As introductory seasons for a new Doctor goes, season 12 stands heads above the rest. While previous Doctor's freshmen years are good and really represent their era, Tom's larger than life performance with the return of old enemies alongside new threats capitalizes on the shows history and moves it forward for a new era.

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