Sunday, May 12, 2013

77. The Sontaran Experiment

Hello my darling Sontaran! After a glorious introduction last season, the Sontaran's make a glorious return to Doctor Who. This time they're torturing humans on Earth in the distant future. This story picks up immediately from the last with the Doctor, Sarah and Harry beaming down to Earth to see if its ready to received the awakening human population of Nerva Beacon. Unfortunately the Sontaran Empire are trying to claim Earth again. We learn that they're a clone race and look exactly the same as each other (sort of) as Sarah mistakes Styre for Linx from The Time Warrior. Of course the Doctor defeats Styre and the Earth is safe once again for human consumption. This is also the first 2-part story in a very long time and I actually really enjoyed this quick little adventure. Sontar Ha!!

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