Saturday, August 3, 2013

152. Remembrance of the Daleks

Davros: The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all-
[The Doctor finishes his sentence.]
The Doctor: Powerful! Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! UNIMAGINABLE POWER! UNLIMITED RICE PUDDING! ET CETERA, ET CETERA!

Happy 25th anniversary Doctor Who! We've finally reached season 25 for a silver celebration. And in fine tradition, we trot out an old enemy to kick things off! And this is probably the finest Dalek story in the classic series ever. The Doctor and the new newly joined Ace land where it all began, London England November 1963. We revisit Totter's Lane. We revisit Cole Hill School. It's like old home week. And drop some Daleks in the soup, we get a recipe for drama!

We begin to see what became know as the Cartmel Master plan, with teases of a great past for the Doctor and a return to mystery for a Time Lord we may know too much about. And for the first time in years, we get the Daleks in control of their story for 99% of it. Of course at the end they had to trot out old Davros in a shiny new shell for a guest appearance. The banter between the 7th Doctor and Davros is priceless and worth the wait. 

The story sees a return to classic storytelling for Doctor Who and reaffirms the greatness of Doctor Who and of Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor.

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