Thursday, August 15, 2013

165. (1.6) Dalek

Hello old friend!

Since Doctor Who's return to television, every episode had a specific purpose. Each week, we have been introduced or re-introduced to something from the Who mythos, to paint the full picture of what Doctor Who is. This episode paints the biggest, boldest brush stroke with the reintroduction of the Daleks!

The last time we saw the Daleks was 1988 in the 7th Doctor's Remembrance of the Daleks and the seeming destruction of the species. We won't mention the Daleks on helium in the McGann TV movie. But by the end of the classic series, the Daleks had become slightly less than imposing and kind of a caricature of themselves. Though we did catch a glimpse of a Dalek finally elevating up stairs! 

A 17 year absence has made the hearts grow fonder. We are introduced (reintroduced) so one sole Dalek, the "last" survivor of the Time War. The Doctor finally fills us in on more of the Time War and what exactly happened. This Dalek is held prisoner and tortured, and we're made to feel sympathy for  it. A DALEK! Somehow after 40 years of evil, they've managed to turn it around to where we feel sorry for  a Dalek. 

Well that doesn't last long and Rose somehow recharges its battery and begins it's rampage of murder and mayhem. Back at full power, these new Daleks are impressive and are deadly again. And they fly around everywhere! They've left the stair behind. This one Dalek pretty much kills everyone in this story before self destructing. It's a brilliant story that returns the Daleks to the level of supreme monster of Doctor Who.

*Besides the return of the Daleks, we do also get a glimpse of a classic Cyberman head (circa 1974 Revenge of the Cybermen). It's a chilling reminder of an old enemy and a tease of another return.

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