Tuesday, August 27, 2013

181B. (2.13) Doomsday

After 2 seasons, 1 regeneration, 3 other male companions, Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen
 and Lady Cassandra, we say good bye to Rose. The pitched battle between the Daleks and
and the Cybermen seems almost minor compared to the instance of Rose being sucked away to
the parallel Earth, forever seperated from the Doctor. We've have some heart wrenching moments
over the past two season, but the final few scenes of this episode take the prize. Even after all these
years, I still get choked up watching the scene on the beach. It just breaks my heart. And despite 
Rose having reunited her family with Jackie, Pete and Mickey, life without the Doctor is just not the
same. The emotion painted across David Tennant's face in the last scenes makes you cry with him.
Never before have we seen such emotion on a Doctor's face with the departure of a companion.
Even the death of Adric didn't ilicit such a reaction. And for the first time since the beginning of the
new show, the Time Lord is alone again. That is until the Runaway Bride pops into the TARDIS.....


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