Thursday, August 15, 2013

164A. (1.4) Aliens of London

Aliens? In London? Here we go again!

After a trip to the future and then the past, we return to the modern day as the Doctor returns Rose home for a visit. But as the TARDIS does, it returns 12 months later. We realize Jackie has had Rose declared missing, Mickey was been investigated, and we see what happens back home when the Doctor takes away his companions. 

We meet the Slitheen and they're trying to take over 10 Downing Street. And they fart... all the time. They're a large and loud new alien to the Doctor Who mythos. And they are also very well developed as characters and as a species. 

Other notable appearances this episode are Tosh Soto, moonlighting on Torchwood, and Harriet Jones, MP for Flydell North. The first of three major appearance, Harriet starts out here and is a joy every second she's on screen. 

And for the first time in new Doctor Who, we get a cliffhanger!


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