Saturday, August 3, 2013

154. Silver Nemesis

Silver and Gold! Silver and Gold!

So Doctor Who continues their silver 25th anniversary with this special story entitled Silver Nemesis. And who better to return in all their silver glory than the Cybermen. Of course they also trotted out a bunch of Nazis, a crazy lady from 17th century England, and a mysterious ancient statue flying through space. 

In the best tradition of Doctor Who, the Doctor and Ace basically run around for 3 episodes trying to stay out of the line of fire of all antagonists involved. Picking up on the reinfusing of mystery into the character of the Doctor, this story adds a few more questions just exactly who is Doctor Who?

While the Cybermen look magnificent, they're just window dressing and don't have any real substantive part of the story. The Nazis are a nice feature but don't pack enough punch. Instead of later day neo-Nazis, they should have been WWII Nazis straight from Hitler's ranks. And Lady Peinforte is way cray cray and provides plenty of comedy relief throughout. I think the potential of the story is far greater than what ended up on screen and could have been fleshed out to a 4 part story with more punch. All in all, the story is a bit of mess but its forgivable because of the anniversary, leaving the viewer with more questions for another 25 years.

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