Saturday, August 3, 2013

148. Time and the Rani

Leave the girl, it's the MAN I want!

Crash! Bang! Time to regenerate! Season 24 kicks off with the 6th Doctor apparently hitting his head on the TARDIS console and regenerating into the 7th Doctor. Little does he know he's fallen into a trap laid by the Rani to use him for her evil machinations. 

Without Colin Baker back to do a proper regeneration, they tossed a wig on Sylvester McCoy and lashed together a regeneration scene. It works on screen, but doesn't really give the 6th Doctor a good ending. 

The return of Kate O'Mara as the Rani is wonderful. Her hair is teased to heaven, she has a fabulous new outfit and a sexy new beauty mark on her nose. The bitch is back! This time without the wet blanket of the Master, the Rani charges full steam ahead. She cooks her own mad cap scheme and manipulates the Doctor while impersonating Bonnie Langford's Mel. The impersonation is spot on and quite amusing. 

While the 7th Doctor's initial regeneration leaves him slightly dazed and confused, it's not as bad as the 6th Doctors. He quickly settles into his new persona and costume. And once Mel figures he's really the Doctor, a great new team is reborn for the rest of the season.

The story is pretty much a big mess, but a fun first adventure , breathing new life into the ol' show.

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