Sunday, July 21, 2013

147. The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe

The End of the Line for the Doctor!

After 12 episodes wandering around time and space to convict the Doctor, we finally get some answers. Let's tick these boxes off:
- Ravalox is actually Earth that the Time Lords moved a few light years off course to cover up some secrets including some tapes of the Matrix stashed underground
- Peri did not die but is now King Ykronos' Queen
- The Master brings Glitz and Mel to the courtroom to be witnesses for the Defense. Thank you Master!
- And the BIG revelation is that the Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of the Doctor's personality somewhere between his 12 and final incarnation. What that means, God only knows. 

The Doctor and the Valeyard lock horns in final battle at part of the Matrix explodes. The Valeyard seemingly dies, the Doctor is cleared of al charges, and returns Mel to her proper place in time and space. The closing moments reveal that the Valeyard is alive!

And so ends the 6th Doctor's era. After two tumultuous seasons, Colin Baker exits on a sour note with the words "carrot juice". Fired without a proper finale or a proper regeneration, I feel robbed and cheated. The 6th Doctor and Colin Baker deserved better. A victim of circumstance, the BBC Controller had it out for Colin for the beginning and never had a chance. Despite the best efforts to save the show during this Trial, it wasn't enough to save the 6th Doctor. It has been gratifying to hear the rehabilitation of the 6th Doctor through his Big Finish audios. A kinder, gentler Doctor has emerged and better relationships with Peri and Mel are fleshed out. We have also been introduced to new companions Dr. Evelyn Smyth and Flip, even Jamie McCrimmon returns. And we finally have the 6th Doctor and the Brigadier together. 

In the end, it's very sad to see the 6th Doctor go. After bursting on to the scene with a loud flash and bang, he exits with nothing but a whimper. Good night sweet prince.

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