Sunday, July 21, 2013

143. Revelation of the Daleks

How to get a head in business!

Season 22 comes to a close with the return of two of the Doctor's most nefarious archenemies- Davros and the Daleks. Terry Molloy resumes the role of Davros with relish to continue his vendetta with the Doctor, now on to the 6th Doctor. Of course we never learn how Davros got from the end of Resurrection of the Daleks to Revelation. Or how he managed to become a disembodied head and took possession of a cemetery. And his process of turning humans into Daleks seems to take a while to hatch. By this point Davros has created an army of white Daleks to do his bidding. Thus begins the Dalek civil war. 

The Doctor and Peri are pretty low key throughout. The guest actors are quite good, although the DJ still annoys me. The story is actually quite violent and gruesome. While I am not a huge fan of violence, I understand its use in story telling. And in Doctor Who, there is a level of acceptable violence. But it seemed in Season 22, there was a higher level throughout. This story I think was a turning point for the series in more way than one. While the Doctor seems to have settled down, the stories be written around him are becoming more and more violent. 

The last line of the story is cut short so the Doctor doesn't say Brighton Beach, for the next planned story in Season 23 The Nightmare Fair. As history played out, Doctor Who went on an 18 month hiatus while the producers retooled the next season, quite literally putting Doctor Who on trial. After a pretty dynamic and extreme season, the Doctor is now being reigned in.

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