Saturday, July 13, 2013

134. Resurrection of the Daleks

Good bye mouth on legs!

After two seasons and two Doctors, we bid farewell to Australian air hostess Tegan Jovanka. She was not always the easiest of traveling companions. She was not always the most optimistic of companions. And she wasn't always the most cooperative of companions. But she would do anything for her friends and always did what was right. Despite the circumstances of her decision to depart the TARDIS (the slaughter of so many innocent people by the Daleks), I can't imagine her leaving any other way. She definitely wouldn't run off to marry someone. She wouldn't run off to save the planet. And she wouldn't just walk away all happy go lucky like. It could only be over some emotional strife that would tear her away from the Doctor. 

The other notable thing about this story is the return of Davros, as played by Terry Malloy. While filling the shoes of character originator Michael Wisher was not easy, Malloy does it with his own style and flair. The fact that he returns to the role twice more on television and numerous times on Big Finish audio speaks to his strong connection to the character. This story begins the Civil War between Davros' Daleks and the Emperor's Daleks, that plays out for the rest of the classic series.

While most Dalek stories are not picnics in the park, this story seems extra specially brutal. I don't think anyone gets out alive of this one, except Lytton. There's a bit of body horror, a bit of mind control, and plenty of full front on the Daleks. As the 5th Doctors only real Dalek story, it does stand out against the plethora of previous Dalek stories.

With the departure of Tegan, the era of the 5th Doctor begins to wind down.

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