Sunday, July 7, 2013

127. Terminus

This show is going to the dogs!

After more than a season on Doctor Who, we say good bye to sweet Nyssa. So dependable. So reliable. So level headed. She was the rock of the TARDIS crew. And unfortunately they writers never did anything for her. Between Tegan's mouth on legs, Adric suicide mission and Turlough's assassination plot, there was no drama left for Nyssa. Thankfully she gets a proper final story and a good reason to stay behind- to help find a cure for the Lazars disease. They bring up her training on Traken with a musical nod to her origin story. And tears are shed as Tegan tries to change her mind but Nyssa is committed to the mission. 

Meanwhile we're still following Turlough's attempts to kill the Doctor, the Black Guardian manipulating Turlough through passive aggressive behavior and a ship that is somehow linked to the Big Bang. Oh and there's a giant Dog-Rat running around the station. Good times!

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