Sunday, July 7, 2013

124. Arc of Infinity

Get ready for Homecoming!

Season 20 of Doctor Who kicks off a whole year of anniversary treats. Arc of Infinity brought back ancient evil Time Lord Omega, the Time Lords themselves including Borusa, plucky Australian stewardess Tegan, and next Doctor Colin Baker!

Of course Omega plagued the first three Doctors for the 10th anniversary of Doctor Who. So in the best homage to This Is Your Life, they trot out Omega for the 20th anniversary to cross into the matter universe in a copy of the Doctor's body. And this time he brings along a giant mutant chicken. 

As luck would have it, Tegan's cousin and his special friend are backpacking though Amsterdam and get caught up in Omega's machinations. Which brings Tegan back into play and back into the Doctor's life. Sometimes the universe conspires against us. 

The Time Lords reappear to try to execute the Doctor, who I think was President the last time he visited home. The Doctor's old friend Borusa is now President and not as amusing as his last body. We finally get a a woman on the High Council and fab hair. Nyssa took arms against the Time Lords to try to save the Doctor. Tegan's in a tube top and chopped her hair and seems somewhat more amicable to traveling through time and space. 

In the end the Doctor is not executed, Omega is destroyed/exiled back to the anti-matter universe and Tegan rejoins the TARDIS crew. And away we go!

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