Sunday, July 7, 2013

130. The Five Doctors

Happy 20th birthday Doctor Who!!

After a whole season of special anniversary treats we get a BIG birthday cake of a special. In the best tradition of The Three Doctors, we now get The Five Doctors! Even though there are only three real Doctors, one recast and old footage of Tom Baker, it's still a lovely and cherished special. 

From the opening classic scene of William Hartnell from The Dalek Invasion of Earth to the closing special arrangement of the theme tune, the Five Doctors is packed to the gills with treat after treat. Besides all the Doctors, we get a cavalcade of companions, monsters, a heavy dose of Time Lord drama and a lovely reaffirmation of what Doctor Who is. 

To mark this anniversary special, here's a rapid fire review:
First Doctor William Hartnell- just so lovely to see him again and especially that scene
First Doctor Richard Hundrell- does a fine job filling in
Susan- her clothes don't fit the era she is supposed to be from, and is still spraining her ankle!
Second Doctor- Patrick Troughton is a gem and camera loves him. Funniest one there.
Brigadier- glad he grew his mustache back
Zoe- love the bubble wrap dress! Very avant garde!
Jamie- doesn't look like he's aged a day!
Third Doctor- same ole Jon Pertwee schtick. Hair even more out of control!
Sarah Jane- always listen to K9! And don't wear a purple rain coat!
Liz Shaw- I wish they could have had a proper good bye for her instead of just a ghost
Mike Yates- would have been better with the Brig seeing him
K9- cute cameo, should have gotten more screen time
Fourth Doctor- despite this being footage from Shada, it's a lovely lost scene in classic Tom Baker style
Romana II- again a lovely lost scene with Lalla Ward in gorgeous 70's attire
Fifth Doctor- the only sane one in the bunch!
Tegan- love her friction with the First Doctor
Turlough- I think Susan and him snogged in the TARDIS
Master- ridiculous as usual
Yeti- why they haven't returned in the new series, I don't know
Dalek- under utilized
Cybermen- over killed
Raston Warrior robot- well endowed
Borusa- a sad degeneration of a once interesting and grande character. 
Castellan- deserved it
Flavia- love the hair, sister!

And as Tegan says in closing, "You're choosing to go on the run from your own people in a rackety old TARDIS?" to which the Doctor replies, "Why not? After all, that's how it all started!"

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