Sunday, July 7, 2013

126. Mawdryn Undead

Chap with the brains- five round rapids!

The Brigadier returns, twice over. And we are introduced to the Doctor's new traveling companion Turlough. And the Black Guardian is back for revenge! Can you tell it's an anniversary year?!

Despite the lessons learned last season of TARDIS over crowding, the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan are joined by alien posing as an English schoolboy Turlough. Of course this means someone is probably leaving soon. Anyways, Turlough agrees to work for the Black Guardian to kill the Doctor. 

As fate would have it, the Brigadier now retired is teaching at Turlough's school! And for some reason the Brigadier in 1983 does not remember the Doctor! Cut to Nyssa and Tegan landing 1977 and meeting a younger Brigadier who does remember the Doctor. Hilarity ensues. 

Now even though the Doctor has met himself many times, there's never been such an explosive combination of aspects as when the two Brigadiers meet. And saves the day. All in all, a good day at the office and the launch of the Black Guardian trilogy. Muwahahahahaha!

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