Saturday, July 13, 2013

135. Planet of Fire

Ginger Speedo!!

We say hello and good bye (again) in this story as Peri joins the TARDIS crew and we bid farewell to Turlough. Like Nyssa who shed her Trakenite velvet and donned comfortable clothes as she left, so to does Turlough. After a year stuck in his English school boy suit, he wears shorts and a beach shirt! and when Peri, in her revealing bikini, begins to drown, Turlough strips down to a Speedo to save her. A Speedo!!! Be still my heart! The 11 year old me was VERY excited to see this and has never forgotten. :) 

This also sees the end of mechanical traveling companion Kamelion. First introduced in the King's Demons, he hasn't been seen since and was put out of his misery here. Great concept but mechanical issue plagued the robot from the beginning and never fully functioned properly. Fitting that it would be the Master that would bring about its end, as he first introduced the character. And speaking of the Master, he pops up again with no explanation of his survival or escape and then seemingly dies again here. 

This story has some great location shooting throughout and the story benefits from not being studio bound. It's nice to see the normal cast in more casual clothes. The costumes of the people of Sarn are scant and lovely. All the men look like 80's porn stars. Yum. And I must also make note that Peri's stepfather is HOT!

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