Saturday, July 13, 2013

132. The Awakening

Hold no Malus!

I have to be honest. I had to walk this story twice because I couldn't really remember much about it after the first viewing. So Tegan wants to visit her Grandfather in a little English village. An English village that happens to be doing a war game reenactment. A reenactment that seems to be tied to some extra temporal demon in the wall of a church. A church that seems to have become a portal in time. A portal in time that draws in the TARDIS. Hilarity ensues.

For a little two episode story, it's pretty unmemorable. We do get to see Tegan in a Queen of the May dress before they attempt to burn her at the stake. And now that Turlough isn't trying to kill the Doctor, he seems to be fading into the woodwork. Actually Polly James as Jane is a far more interesting character and would be a hoot to have in the TARDIS. She's almost the anti-Tegan but not in the same way Nyssa was. In the grande scheme of the season, this story sits very oddly between two big stories and kind of kills the flow. This story or a different two part story could have been place between Resurrection of the Daleks and Planet of Fire, to give Turlough a solo story, or between Planet of Fire and Caves of Androzani, to give Peri a little more time with the 5th Doctor. Either, it would have been a better use of time...and space.

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