Saturday, July 13, 2013

131. Warriors of the Deep

Beware the Myrka!!

Doctor Who's 21st season kicks off with a belated anniversary return! More than a decade after their introduction, the Silurians AND the Sea Devils return to try to destroy the homo Sapiens squatters on planet Earth. Of course both reptiles have gotten a face lift since last we saw them and new outfits. And we have to mention the very bad Myrka pantomime sea creature that was the laughing stock of the entire sea world. Poor Myrka.

It's a pretty action packed story that is a product of the 80's Cold War that ended with every single character in the story dying. After the Five Doctor's reaffirming theme, it's very disconcerting for the Doctor to lose in such a way and to have the episode filled with so much death. While both the Silurians and Sea Devils seemed to be killed off in their respective prior appearances, their deaths in this story are far more horrific and can be laid directly at the Doctor's hands.

This story also begins the final season of Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, rounding out a 3 year tenure. Warriors of the Deep is definitely a high point for Davison's senior year.

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