Saturday, July 13, 2013

136. The Caves of Androzani

It feels different this time....

After 3 seasons, we bid adieu to Peter Davison as the 5th Doctor. As the youngest actor cast to play the Doctor, up to that point, and as the first Doctor to grow up having watched Doctor Who, he played the role brilliantly and with a great youthful wisdom. The old man in a young mans body. This story has been lauded as one of the best Doctor Who stories ever and certainly the crown jewel of the 5th Doctor's era. 

Having picked up Peri last story, it's somewhat strange to see her companioned with Peter Davison's Doctor as we have gotten to know her much better as a 6th Doctor companion. I must say though, that the Doctor's regeneration is all her fault! If she hadn't so clumsily fallen into the spectrox nest and gotten her and the Doctor infected, he would never had to regenerate. So all her complaining about the 6th Doctor's personality issues can be laid on her shoulders. Of course we won't talk about the circumstances of the 6th Doctor's regeneration....

Peter Davison does an amazing job playing off so many of the great guest actors in this story as he bounces between them, reacting more than acting. His single mindedness in finding a cure to save Peri shines through in this story, for a girl he just met. With 30 years hindsight, it would have been interesting if Peri had died and was brought back from some of the Doctor's regeneration spilling over to her. Just a thought. 

For the first time, the new Doctor actually get to say something right after the regeneration before episodes ends. And based on the few sentences uttered, we in for a very different Doctor in the form of Colin Baker....

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