Sunday, July 21, 2013

142. Timelash

Let's do the Timelash again!

After two great stories, we had to get to a stinker. Timelash is just so, so, bad. This could be considered a celebrity historical on an alien planet, with the under cover HG Wells but it's not done that well. The rumor that the Borad is the Loch Ness Monster is just plain silly. Paul Darrow is as Paul Darrow should be, WAY over the top and that's standing next to Colin Baker. Herbert George Wells is annoying but cute and could have been an interesting companion for a while. The 3rd Doctor also gets name checked and is even seen in a painting and Jo Grant is seen in a photo, referencing an unseen adventure they had previously on this planet and apparently brought other people with (Benton? Yates? The Brig? A whole UNIT regiment?) Over all it's a pretty lack luster story and is literally lack luster in design!

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