Thursday, August 15, 2013

170B. (1.13) The Parting of the Ways

The end has been prepared for...

After a fantastic season that kicked opened the door to bring Doctor Who back, we come to the end and we say good bye to the 9th Doctor. He's battled the Nestenes and Autons, Lady Cassandra, gas mask zombies, Slitheen, Reapers, and Editors. But it all comes down to this- the Doctor vs the Daleks. And not just one Dalek, it's an army of Daleks! 

To save Rose, the Doctor sends her home in one of the most heart wrenching scene ever (or at least until this moment). Rose cleverly retrurns with the power of the vortex in her to save the day. But to save Rose, the Doctor absorbs the vortex at the cost of his own life. 

For the first regeneration in almost 20 years, the Doctor literally explodes with energy as we see his last  moments before turning into David Tennant. But before the end, we realized how much we loved the 9th Doctor and just how fantastic he was.

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