Wednesday, October 2, 2013

223. (6.8) Let's Kill Hitler

This was the best, most bonkers, wobbley, screwy episode of the season and I  loved every minute of it. Amy and Rory's "childhood" friend Mels was a fantastic breath of fresh air. High jacking the TARDIS to go kill Hitler was inspired. But the biggest surprise of the season is seeing the injured Mels regenerate into River Song! So the little girl from the end of the Day of the Moon regenerated into Mels, who was Amy & Rory's contemporary childhood friend, who is now River Song, their daughter. Bonkers! Of course her directive to kill the Doctor is executed with her usual flare. Her sacrifice of all her remaining regenerations to save the Doctor's life is is sad and heart-touching at the same moment. This truly is the best River Song episode and forms the biggest final piece of her story. And Hitler's still in the closet.

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