Saturday, October 12, 2013

240. (7.10) Journey to the Center of the TARDIS

Despite the odd beginning of this episode, it actually turns out to be quite good. From the moment the title of the episode was announced, I was quite excited to see what it held for us. I instantly started thinking of the classic Hartell story The Edge of Destruction, the only story to ever be completely confined to the TARDIS and was a psychological thriller. While this was only 95% confined to the TARDIS, it was thrilling just the same. There are many Easter Eggs packed into this one, with the TARDIS producing past Doctor's voices from past adventures. We also are shown previously unseen rooms, chock full of treats- the Book at the Time War being the biggest tease. The B-story line with the three co-stars is quite superfluous but seeing so much more of the new TARDIS console room is a treat.

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