Saturday, October 12, 2013

235. (7.Y) The Snowmen

Matt Smith's Christmas episodes have been a bit of a mixed bag. Not that they're bad and not to keep comparing them to David Tennant's specials, they're just different. Usually they're a nice bookend to the season that pretty much stands alone. This year's Christmas special falls in the middle of the season, serving as a bridge between the Amy era and the Clara era while continuing to develop the mystery of "Who Is Clara?".

Right off the bat, we're introduced to Clara Oswald, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, who we saw back at the beginning of the season in the Asylum of the Daleks. But she died there. How can she be here too? Is she a bartender? Is she a governess? Why is she changing clothes in the back of carriage? So many questions!

Richard E. Grant is a marvelous villain. Ian McKellen is a wonderful voice of the Great Intelligence. Shark-toothed snowmen eating people are amazing. And the return of the Great Intelligence is a fabulous 50th anniversary treat, that connects to their previous 2nd Doctor appearances. The story is chocked full of goodness.

The unexpected demise of Clara at the end and her uttering "Run you cleaver boy and remember." amps up Clara's mystery. Much in the same way Moffat played out the mystery of "Who is River Song?", he now introduces us to "Who is Clara?" that promises a nice payoff.

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