Saturday, October 12, 2013

234. (7.5) The Angels Take Manhattan

Amy. Rory. River. The Weeping Angels. New York City. All the lines converge here for the final adventure of Amy and Rory. This is the best Weeping Angels story to date with Moffat really expanding the scope and range of what they can do and how manipulative they can be. From the onset, this is a heart wrenching story, again and again and again. This story seals the love of Amy and Rory like never before and there is not a question of who Amy must choose at the end. The conceit that Amy and Rory are trapped in the 1930's and the Doctor cannot ever take the TARDIS there, it necessary but a tinge contrived. While I didn't want to compare this story to Rose's final regular story Doomsday being trapped in another dimension. Both pack an emotional punch but they feel different. When Rose left, it felt like it was a little too soon but was approaching the right time. With Amy, as the longest serving new companion, it's felt long over due. Even with the additional of Rory and their evolving and changing relationship, their time as companions felt played out. But as their final story, it's outstanding and touching and amazing performances by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. If this is indeed Amelia Pond's final story, it is a beautiful package wrapped in a bow.

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