Saturday, October 12, 2013

243. (7.13) The Name of the Doctor

This is it. The season finale that leads directly into the 50th Anniversary special. And we finally get answers on who the heck Clara Oswin Oswald is. After an uneven season story wise despite the high production values, the season ends on a high note. Despite the return of Vastra, Jennie and Strax yet again, we do get the fantastic return of Alex Kingston as River Song and Richard E Grant at the Great Intelligence (the seeming hallmark villain of the latter half of this season). This version of River is the one stored in CAL in the library after River died, which is quite interesting that she can still pop up as she wills. Richard E is a delicious villain supreme who tries to rip apart the Doctor's timeline. We get to see many scenes of the Doctor's previous incarnations, with some new scenes and some classic, with REG inserted in. In steps Clara, who jumps into the Doctor's timeline and scattered throughout his lives, sharing scenes with William Hartnell especially. It does explain why she pops up at several points in the 11th Doctors life as different people. It's mad and genius all in one. But the craziest part of the whole thing is the introduction of John Hurt as "The Doctor"! Who Doctor? Which Doctor? He's not the Doctor, can he? So many questions! And all will have to wait until November 23rd for answers!

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