Wednesday, October 2, 2013

228. (6.13) The Wedding of River Song

The 6th season of the new Doctor Who comes to an end trying to fulfill all the promise that has been seeded over the season. Picking up from the last moments of the last story, we find River Song in the astronaut suit on the beach prepared to kill the Doctor. We see the Doctor preparing for his demise that we saw in the season opener. Coming full circle to fulfill his destiny, Steven Moffat again throws us some big wibbley wobbley timey whiney and jacks up time again. River first doesn't kill the Doctor, time changes, Amy, Rory and River gather together, the Doctor marries River and then she kills him. Or it appears she kills. Time snaps back to normal and everyone goes on their merry way. I'm not sure if it really fulfills all the promise, but it is a fun romp and one more piece of the River Song story falls into place.

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